Nancy Pelosi brought the ruckus to Pete Sessions

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi bashed Republicans Wednesday, accusing them of dragging their feet when it came to avoiding the fiscal cliff.

That’s when a certain Teapublican set her off…

“Do I detect your smirk to mean that you don’t think Republicans will vote for middle income tax cuts, Mr. Sessions, should I take it to mean that you will continue to hold middle income tax cuts hostage, giving tax cuts to the wealthiest people in our country? The unfairness of it is appalling, the fact that it increases the deficit is disgraceful, and that it does not create jobs is a big mistake for us to make.” – Nancy Pelosi

Someone better tell Pete Sessions that Nancy Pelosi will get her respect…by any means necessary.

Posted: December 12, 2012 at 4:27 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, News, Politics

12/12/12: The Premonition


On this 12th month, 12th day, 12th hour, 12th minute, and 12th second, I will take an epic 12 inch shit, and flush the toilet 12 times.

Too many thoughts and not enough pennies…or toilet paper for that matter.

You’re welcome.

Posted: December 12, 2012 at 10:18 am | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, News, Pop Culture

Craig Ackerman: “The Lakers have just pooped their big boy pants!”


Houston Rockets radio announcer Craig Ackerman nailed it. I can’t think of a funnier radio call.

I hope Pau Gasol doesn’t get a splinter in his ass from riding the pine. Before last nights game, Kobe Bryant talked about Pau Gasol’s pathetic play as of late.

“Put your big-boy pants on. Just adjust. Just adjust. You can’t whine about it. You can’t complain about it.”

Last night the Lakers led the Rockets by 17 points at one point, and held a 10 point edge going into the fourth quarter. Then came the collapse. Or as I like to call it, giving up the panties. The Lake Show missed 12 of 19 from the field, 4 of their 5 three pointers, and 6 of 13 from the charity stripe.

It looks like the entire Laker team needs a pair of big boy pants. Read more…

Posted: December 5, 2012 at 9:34 am | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, News, Sports


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