Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – WTH Did I Just Watch?

Wow DC/Warner Bros, really? At least give me Black Lightning, if you’re gonna put out this crap. It might ease my pain.

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel, the latest trailer for, “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” was shown. I’ve been a tad bit skeptical in the past about this film, but I was willing to have hope. After seeing this trailer, that hope just went out the window like Zod in Superman II.

The plot seems fine to me; the beginning of the Justice League versus Lex Luthor (Alexander Joseph Luthor Jr.) and Doomsday. The start of the trailer had my interest. I liked the interaction between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne. Wayne did a good job in a short amount of time getting his point across to the Boy Scout (Kent). The “freaks dressed like clowns” line was nice. But then, this happend…

Does DC realize Jesse Eisenberg is suppose to be playing Lex Luthor, not the Joker from the 1960s? He comes off like an annoying son of Bill Gates, who has nothing better to do than waste his dad’s money with douchebag overtones.


I’m glad Wonder Woman is finally getting on the big screen but putting her in this film is overkill. It’s bad enough this movie looks like it’s being directed by Michael Bay; this will most likely flop because DC is hellbent on catching up with Marvel by introducing too many characters in one film. Where was Batman & Wonder Woman all this time? This film shouldn’t have to waste time trying to get you to care about each Superhero. They are being portrayed like you should already know who they are. Is half this movie going to be nothing but flashbacks? It seems like all these characters didn’t exist until after Man of Steel. It’s easier for team-up movies like these to succeed if the main characters are already established.

DC reminds me of Samsung copying Apple after they had the “epiphany” of what people wanted around 2007. DC could have started putting the pieces together before Marvel back in 2005 with Batman Begins. Now all of a sudden they want to make an Avengers type movie way too soon. Giving Superheros their own film, and then having them team up down the line is how you do it. It’s a bigger pay off. And don’t even get me started on the Suicide Squad movie. Oh well, sometimes the path to hell is paved with good intentions.

I shouldn’t be surprised by this FUBAR. DC can’t even get their TV universe in order. The Supergirl TV show is connected to the movies, but not to (at this point) the Flash and Arrow shows. The TV programs for Flash and Green Arrow are good but aren’t connected to the DC’s movies. Common sense says Grant Gustin (Flash) should be the actor in the upcoming Flash movie. Nope, he will be played by Ezra Miller. The Flash TV show could have been a nice lead in to that movie. Hell, the TV show would have been a great way to establish Flash for a “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” appearance. If DC doesn’t think the TV show is good enough to bring money to the movie universe then what’s the point of the average fan to give a crap? What’s the point of watching it if it’s not even going to lead to bigger things? It’s like buying drinks for a woman the entire night, and then she doesn’t come home with you. The bottom line is the DC TV shows should be connected to the films. And don’t give me that nonsense about different TV networks. Marvel found a way for Netflix, ABC, and their films to come together.

OK, I’m down venting. The abortion known as “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” comes out March 25, 2016.

Posted: December 3, 2015 at 12:00 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Pop Culture


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