Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama Playing Golf With Boehner To “Hitler Playing Golf With Netanyahu”
When I was a kid I remember my Uncle telling me how much of an idiot Hank Williams Jr. is. Looks like he was right after all.
Today (October 3rd), Williams shared his views about President Barack Obama while on Fox and Friends…
GRETCHEN CARLSON (co-host): I’d love to pick your brain about politics.
CARLSON: All right. So, I’ll start with an easy question, who do you like in the GOP race?
STEVE DOOCY (co-host): Nobody?
WILLIAMS: You remember the — you remember the golf game they had, ladies and gentlemen?
DOOCY: Yeah?
WILLIAMS: Remember the golf game?
DOOCY: Boehner?
WILLIAMS: That was one of the biggest political mistakes ever.
WILLIAMS: That turned a lot of people off. You know, watching, you know, it just didn’t go over.
CARLSON: You mean when John Boehner played golf with President Obama?
WILLIAMS: Oh, yeah! Yeah. And Biden and Kasich, yeah. Uh-huh.
CARLSON: What did you not like about it? It seems to be a really pivotal moment for you.
WILLIAMS: Come on. Come on. It would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu, OK?
WILLIAMS: Not hardly. In the country this shape is in, the shape this country’s in, I mean, no, I don’t think so.
BRIAN KILMEADE (co-host): Yeah, I don’t understand that analogy, actually.
DOOCY: Well, it’s — it’s out there.
WILLIAMS: Well, I’m glad you don’t, brother, because a lot of people do. You know, they’re the enemy. They’re the enemy.
KILMEADE: Who’s the enemy?
WILLIAMS: Obama! And Biden! Are you kidding? The Three Stooges.
DOOCY: That’s only two.
For the ones who don’t read much, Netanyahu is the Prime Minister of Israel. ESPN has pulled Williams’ opening from Monday Night Football for his asinine comments.
When the Dixie Chicks bashed President Bush, they got crucified by their fanbase. I don’t see this happening to Hank though. I won’t explain why, but let’s just say a lot of his fanbase probably enjoys putting on white hoods.
And just for the record, if Hitler and Netanyahu actually played golf, I highly doubt Adolf could get out of the bunker.

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: October 3, 2011 at 4:59 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics, Sports

President Obama releases his Long Form Birth Certificate for the idiots
President Obama today gave into the nut-jobs and the intellectually challenged by releasing the long form version of his birth certificate.
I’m sure some will ask why it took so long. The fact of the matter is if you request your birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, they give you a “Certification of Live Birth” (COLB) like Obama had released back in 2007. Obama’s legal team had to get a special waiver to get the long form version released, which was a complete waste of time and tax payer money. Obviously, these were the reasons he didn’t want to bother with it before. Unfortunately this “not an American citizen nonsense” kept coming back like a bad case of herpes.
The Birthers will most likely turn this into a new conspiracy. People like this never cease to amaze me with their stupidity. Even with a copy of the long form, the Birthers will most likely refuse to acknowledge it as authentic.
If you could use a time machine to pick up Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, and Frank Capra, then get four DNA experts picked by Fox News, a video camera (operated by Capra), then go back to the hospital in Hawaii on the day of Barack Obama’s birth, tape the whole thing, then have the DNA experts draw blood from baby Obama and 2011 Obama, get a 100% match with Reagan as well as Lincoln signing the affidavit and the Birther fucktards would still say, “IT’S A FAAAAAAKE.”
These idiots lower my IQ every time they speak.
Nobody asked to see John McCain’s birth certificate. It’s interesting this came up as soon as Obama said he was running for President. I’m sure this uproar has nothing to do with the color of Barack Obama’s skin.
“A Negro in the White House? Good God, head for the hills Cletus!!” – Typical Birther.

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: April 27, 2011 at 5:58 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

Rep. Michele Bachmann proposes a tax code that would encourage “family formation.”

Michele Bachmann…that’s all I really have to say. But I will continue.
The batshit crazy (Tea Party Queen) United States Representative is proposing a tax system that would encourage “family formation.” Bachmann wants to give tax credits and/or lower tax rates to parents who are married as opposed to those who are single. I highly doubt it’s even that cut and dry. Bachmann’s past statements on gays and lesbians, makes me believe the tax breaks would only be for heterosexual couples.
Last time I checked, single parents have a more difficult time financially taking care of a child than people who are married. But that doesn’t matter to Michele Bachmann because single parents are immoral in her eyes and must be punished. I thought the Republican party (and the Tea Party) wanted less government control.
Apparently government control is bad when it does things like regulate businesses, keep our food and products safe, and try to keep corporations from screwing individuals. But it’s great when it controls your private life. The Right Wing’s plan is simple. You will marry who they tell you to marry, have sex in the manner they tell you to, and reproduce according to their plan. Resistance is futile!!!
What about the widows of soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan? Do they count? Hey Michele, maybe we can use all that money we’ll be taking away from poor single parents trying to feed their children, and use it to give tax breaks for the rich. I bet you would just love that. Doesn’t encouraging “family formation” through tax credit cripple the sanctity of marriage? I thought your definition of marriage was a holy union between a man and a woman, who make a promise to one another and to God based on love. This proposal would only encourage people to marry for financial reasons.
I’m having a hard time figuring out who’s more insane. Michele Bachmann or the people who voted for her.
[Michele Bachmann wants new tax code]

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: March 28, 2011 at 10:42 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics