Tracy Morgan keeps it real
It looks like live television and Tracy Morgan does not equal appropriate dialog.
Last night before the Heat/Knicks game (on TNT), Tracy Morgan was asked if he thought Sarah Palin was attractive. Morgan responded with “Oh yeah, absolutely.” He could have stopped right there but, Mr. Morgan chose to keep it real and went on to say she was masturbation material as well. Funny stuff. The look on Ernie Johnson’s face was priceless. Morgan has always been the type to speak his mind and I love the guy for it.
TNT however wasn’t laughing and have released this statement.
“It’s unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments. We apologize for any embarrassment or offense it may have caused.”
Was it inappropriate? Of course it was! That’s why it was funny. Offensive? Not even close. I don’t know too many women who don’t want to look attractive to men. The bigger issue is why was Tracy Morgan asked if he thought Sarah Palin was attractive? You’re just asking for trouble when that happens.
I can hear the Tea Party now. “Negros are masturbating to videos of our women! We want our country back!”

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: January 28, 2011 at 1:06 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, Politics, Sports

Barackaveli: Hit ‘Em Up (Tupac, Obama Parody)
Comedian James Davis had me laughing a little with this parody. On it, “Barackaveli” bashes Sarah Palin, George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, and the Tea Party nutjobs. My favorite part is at the end when he screams…
“F*** Sarah Palin, f*** Bush, f*** the Tea Party as a staff, party and as a motherf***in’ crew. And if you wanna be down with the Tea Party, then f*** you too.”

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: January 27, 2011 at 6:45 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, Music, Politics

2011 State of the Union Address
After watching Barack Obama’s speech, I believe he has a good plan to grow the economy. Doing so will create more tax revenue across the board, and solve a lot of our nation’s problems. Though Obama went on and on about education, his underlying theme in his speech was to grow American business.
My only concern is if he can get the job done with nuts like Michele Bachmann trying to stop his plans. Bachmann’s speech to the Tea Party reeked of a kind of stupidity that walks the line of mental retardation. Pretty much her entire response to the State of the Union address was either flat wrong or truth mixed with lies and scare tactics. The national debt and unemployment was a runaway train right before Obama took office. She doesn’t mention that George W. Bush was the cause, and then she mentions the slight increases when Obama was trying to fix the mess that the republicans started. She is oblivious to how long it takes for an economy to shift back into the right direction. Remember, this is the same woman who on national television claimed President Obama was spending 200 million dollars a day on his trip to India. She took bad information, never checked her facts, and spouted it on live TV, making a complete ass out of herself.
When George W. Bush took office, the national debt was $5.73 trillion. When he left, it was $10.7 trillion. That’s a difference of $4.97 trillion. It’s funny how people like Bachmann never mention this, but love to talk about cutting spending when in reality all they did was spend spend spend when Bush was in office.
The Bush Tax Cuts meant less revenue which caused a higher deficit. This too was passed on to Obama. The primary Obama contribution to the increased debt was the stimulus. Bush’s 2009 fiscal year budget was $3.1 trillion (not including the wars which is part of the reason why we have a huge debt). President Obama’s 2010 fiscal year budget was $3.5 trillion, including the wars and the stimulus.
BTW, for those who don’t know or refuse to accept the obvious, the GOP plan is simple…
GOP PLAN A: Forget about the 8 years of Bush and make everything seem like it’s Obama’s fault.
GOP PLAN B: Get tax cuts even though they don’t need them.
GOP PLAN C: When in doubt, refer to plan A.

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: January 26, 2011 at 1:11 am | by Ryan
Filed under: Politics