Save Your Money: 4 Minutes That Are Better Than Any Self-Help Book

Some real talk right here.

I feel you Henry Rollins. It’s a shame that some people don’t agree. I hope those people don’t reproduce. Better yet, I hope the take a piss on an electric fence. Read more…

Posted: October 1, 2012 at 12:29 am | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics, Pop Culture

A Conservative History of the United States

This is comedy gold.

I have to thank Jack Hitt from for this list of political gems. Even though my brain hurt while reading them, I got a pretty good laugh.

1500s: The American Revolutionary War begins: “The reason we fought  the revolution in the sixteenth century was to get away from that kind of  onerous crown.”—Rick Perry

1607: First welfare state collapses: “Jamestown colony, when it was  first founded as a socialist venture, dang near failed with everybody dead and  dying in the snow.”—Dick Armey

1619-1808: Africans set sail for America in search of freedom: “Other  than Native Americans, who were here, all of us have the same story.”—Michele  Bachmann (This is my favorite one) Read more…

Posted: September 22, 2012 at 4:36 am | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

‘Legitimate Rape’ Pharmaceutical Ad – Latest ‘War On Women’ Parody (VIDEO)

Good Lord…

I almost pissed on myself laughing at this.

Ever since his infamous comments, I’ve enjoyed the backlash Todd Akin has received. I hope his stupidity has opened the eyes of people every where. The core of the Republican party hates women for some reason. Maybe one day we’ll find out what Akin’s beef is. Perhaps he’s ticked off  he wasn’t breast enough as a child. But I digress.

This parody ad is full of so much win (the kids still say that right?). I must say, having the woman in this ad be flipped over by her “rapist” was comedy gold. Yes, I know I’m twisted.

God bless the people who made this ad.

Posted: September 1, 2012 at 3:52 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, News, Politics

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