Paul Ryan: Rape Is Just Another “Method Of Conception”

What a fucking idiot.

So basically, Paul Ryan and Todd Akin are drinking the same kool-aid.

“Well I’m very proud of my pro-life record, and I’ve always adopted the idea, the position, that the method of conception doesn’t change the definition of life.” – Paul Ryan Read more…

Posted: August 28, 2012 at 12:43 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

Illinois Rep. Mike Bost has some “Thug” in him

I’ll never be a Republican, but I have to give State Representative Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) his props. The man is boss on the mic.

Bost’s profanity-laced tirade on Thursday came as House members were about to vote on a plan to overhaul Illinois’ pension system without a chance for debate or amendment. As you can see in the video, that didn’t jive well with Mr. Bost. I guess he forgot about voting for the rule to prevent debate in 1995. Oh, the irony.

I guess if you’re going to commit career suicide, you might as well go out with a bang. I think my favorite part was when Bost made it rain with his papers. Gangsta.

The next time I want to go loony bin crazy, I’m going to hire Mike Bost to do it for me. That way nobody gets arrested.

Posted: May 31, 2012 at 3:41 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: Humor?, News, Politics

I miss George Carlin…



When I’m not surfing the Internet for porn recorded acts of mature adults having coitus, I occasionally read something that opens my mind’s eye.

A truth so obvious, yet not known by enough of the population…

I miss George Carlin.

Posted: May 14, 2012 at 10:48 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

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