Fuck You Rick Perry

I didn’t know Barack Obama was fighting a war against religion. But according to this Rick Perry ad, our President is the devil.

After watching this political ad, it’s obvious Rick is catering to the religious right wing bigots that have come out in droves ever since a Black man was elected President.

What the Hell happened to the GOP? Are all the Ronald Reagan republicans gone? How is kicking openly gay people out of the military going to make this country a better place? The GOP has turned into a party that cares more about social issues than the real problems America faces.

Instead of an ad about fixing the economy, Rick Perry wants to talk about this!? Who gives a fuck about gays in the military? America only needs them to shoot straight, not to be straight!

Also, last time I checked Obama never tried to stop children from celebrating Christmas and praying in school. Perry has no proof of this (because there is none) so he puts this garbage on TV to put fear into the minds of the religious right. Slick Rick has no idea how to fix the economy. And that my friend is the reason this joke of an ad is on TV.

We get it Rick. You want the racists and bigots to vote for you. I’d say you’re doing a superb job.


Posted: December 7, 2011 at 8:12 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

Peter DeFazio = Truth

A politician telling the truth? I’m confused.

Peter DeFazio is spot on. The bail outs and tax cuts for the rich are killing this country. Derivatives don’t create jobs. Tax cuts on rich don’t create jobs. Demand creates jobs.

Cash in the hands of the poor and middle class creates demand which make jobs. When these people get money they spend it, which stimulates the economy. When the wealthy get money, they sit on it as long as they can. The rich won’t hire more people just for the sake of the economy. They would rather buy another private jet than understanding the bigger picture. In other words, Gordon Gekko was wrong – greed is not good. But I digress.

It’s a shame nobody with any real power will listen to DeFazio. The fact that most people don’t watch C-SPAN isn’t helping matters. C-SPAN could show graphic gay amputee midget porn, and nobody would complain to the FCC.

Posted: October 24, 2011 at 1:42 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

A Republican is Occupy Wall Street’s Biggest Donor

“I made a lot of money, things just worked out for me,” he said. ”There’s some issues where we’re all in it together … The people who have money, they should pay something more, whether that’s in taxes or somewhere else.”

Those are the words of Robert Halper. The biggest financial backer of the Occupy Wall Street protests. He is a former big time oil trader, a Republican, and a Mitt Romney supporter. What?!

Yep, it’s true. Mr. Halper so far has donated $20,000 to the anti-capitalist movement.

Though I don’t agree with his political affiliation, it’s nice to see a millionaire that get’s it. Halper understands the system he is in needs to change so his wealth will survive. The price of oil would drop beyond belief if the middle class and poor didn’t have the money to spend. In other words, the little guy needs to survive if the rich desire to stay rich.

Posted: October 20, 2011 at 7:39 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

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