Pat Buchanan: America Is Disintegrating Because White America Is An Endangered Species

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Pat Buchanan is a racist.

I know it’s not shocking. This is the same man who wanted Arthur Rudolph (ex-Nazi) citizenship restored.

Last Tuesday (October 17th) Buchanan was in Fox News pimping his new book,  Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025? Book is about Mr. Buchanan’s belief that  that America is “disintegrating” because “White America is an endangered species.

In my opinion (the only one that matters) Pat Buchanan is the type of racist that is in denial because he doesn’t hate us for being Black, he hates us because he believes African Americans are born to be criminals. He thinks we just can’t help ourselves. This man is a quack. I’m not surprised Fox News had him on.

There’s a part of the interview that unexpectedly made me chuckle a little.

BUCHANAN: It goes — the Hispanic goes 60 to 70 percent Democratic. Asian-Americans which is a bit of a surprise, 60 to 70 percent. Africans- Americans, 90 to 95 percent. That’s what Barack Obama got.

What I’m saying is, if that is half of the country, and Republicans will never win another election.

Well undercover racist Mr. Buchanan, Republicans could try to reach out to these people and try to explain why a conservative political way of life is more beneficial. Unfortuntely, it turns out a plethora of the GOP and their supporters are filled with bigots who use the bible to promote their hatred. Turns out, that’s a tough sale. Who knew? Read more…

Posted: October 20, 2011 at 4:36 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

Herman Cain’s pastor is a supporter of Malcolm X…That can’t be Wright

This should be interesting.

Uncle Tom Conservative Herman Cain has positioned himself to the top of the polls as a Republican presidential candidate. The same Herman Cain that said African Americans were “brainwashed” into voting Democratic. Someone should ask Mr. Cain if he believes his church has been brainwashed as well.

Cain is an associate minister at the Antioch Baptist Church North, which is a liberal megachurch that is led by Rev. C.M. Alexander – who cites Malcolm X as one of his influences. Interesting indeed.

Remember when the right wing were up in arms about Barack Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright? When people who mastered the art of common sense tried to explain to the neoconservatives that they should pay attention to the candidate and not what his pastor says, they ignored the simple logic.

Chances are the neo-cons will ignore this as long as nobody calls Cain out on it. They will do their best Sgt. Schultz impersonation. Which is actually the right thing to do, but they will do it for all the wrong reasons. They’re lucky the left typically overlooks ridiculous stuff like this. If it is brought up, it will be because another Republican presidential candidate becomes desperate.

Posted: October 19, 2011 at 4:22 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

U.S. Marine Sergeant defends Occupy Wall Street protestors

When someone sticks their neck out on the line for innocent people, they instantly gain my respect. During an Occupy Wall Street protest in New York, one person did just that.

Demotix reports:

Last night at Occupy Wall Street in Times Square, Marine Sergeant Shamar Thomas boldly defended the occupiers. Sergeant Thomas calmly asked the NYPD why they aren’t protecting the peaceful protestors. The NYPD ignored his questions and continued telling protesters to leave the sidewalk otherwise “they’d get hurt.”

Then, in an epic scene, Thomas approached the line of NYPD officers who held their batons.

While many Occupy Wall Street demonstrators had been arrested for merely crossing the street, he exclaimed, “These are U.S. citizens peacefully protesting! These are the people you are supposed to protect!” The 10-15 NYPD officers he addressed dared not to touch him.

Sergeant Thomas continued denouncing the NYPD’s actions shouting, “This isn’t a war zone! I’ve served overseas, that’s a war zone! Get rid of your batons and helmets!”

After five minutes of severely and loudly criticizing the NYPD, the Sergeant walked away leaving the scorned officers behind. The few people who were there applauded and cheered.

I love the fact that the NYPD were scared shitless. The Occupy Wall Street protesters are fed up. They are what the Tea Party should be. Fighting against corporate greed and it’s evil influence, instead of raising a stink because a Black man is in the White House. I’d be surprised if most Teabaggers even knew the importance of these Occupy Wall Street protests.

God bless Marine Sergeant Shamar Thomas and the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Posted: October 16, 2011 at 9:23 pm | by Ryan
Filed under: News, Politics

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