Am I totally In The Wrong Here?

I’m well aware that I can be a prick sometimes. But I would like to think I’m generally a nice person. It’s story time people.
Last Saturday while driving home from work and I pulled up to my complex which has a gate. I see an elderly lady to my right (probably in her mid to late 70s) using a walker. I realized she’s nowhere near the gate, so I pull up closer and reach for my clicker. For some reason it isn’t working for about 15 seconds. By the time it does, she’s almost to my car. As the gate is opening, I’m blocking her way for no more than 3 seconds. As I pull in I hear her yell, “Get the Hell out of my way”, in some distorted Joe Pesci voice.
I ignored her. It wasn’t worth yelling at her. Besides, it was Saturday. It’s happy time.
This morning I realize I hadn’t gone to my mailbox in a few days. I go to the mail area, and I see the same old lady outside using her walker, coming towards the door. I didn’t want to deal with her possibly yelling at me again, and I wasn’t crazy about the idea of helping someone who was rude to me for no reason.
She gets through the door and starts yelling at me. “I can’t open the door and you’re worried about your mail!?” “Watch your mouth lady, don’t talk to me like that”, I replied. I was hoping it would have ended there. NOPE.
“I can say whatever the Hell I want. I have freedom speech.”

“Go die in a fire lady.”

As she gets in the elevator she yells, “Who do you think you are the Mailman, you’re an asshole.”
I responded with, “Yeah? Well you got a pretty little mouth”, as the door closed.
I love elderly people. I like it when they’re grumpy as well because I understand it. A plethora of them get up in the morning and are like, “My back hurts”, “Nobody loves me”, or “Ow it hurts when I pee.” They’ve earned the right to be grouchy. But when they take it out on other people for no reason is when I put my foot down.
So, am I the asshole here? I concede telling a 70 plus year old woman, who is using a walker to “Go die in a fire” is wrong, but even if I had ignored her she probably would have kept yelling at me.
Merry Christmas.

I never understood interventions. What’s the point of being told you drink too much from a room full of reasons why you drink in the first place?
Posted: December 4, 2014 at 9:50 am | by Ryan
Filed under: Personal