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"Alone and Barren"

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  • "Alone and Barren"

    "Alone and Barren"

    Empathy, I want not, for she is not my friend
    So am I to continue earth's adventure misunderstood
    I walk with a profound destiny, yet still don't know the path
    My heart's landscape wants what it's been barren of for so long
    I am close, but with no cigar........so I stand alone
    Alone, maybe for the sake of my own purpose
    Maybe being alone is my purpose, because I have no direct path to travel
    The evenesense of a sea of uncompromising emotions that sometimes I don't understand
    Or is it that I understand, yet others don't ?
    Ellegua told me to live life
    Yet what's the purpose of living when the purpose for living is still unknown
    to you , to others, to God
    I cry out for time to be understood, but no one hears me
    so my tears run silent
    laid upon my cheeks like a dormant mat...there, but invisible
    ever flowing, but not moving
    I think to myself...Am I one of God's chess pieces on his board of the condemned
    Oh this damnable pharases

  • #2
    Beautiful piece of poetry my friend.


    • #3
      you got heart

      and thats all you need , you directed words in a way that made me see your story , but vividness is a +


      • #4
        I thank you both for taking time out to reply to this gift that I have presented to you. Just know that this piece as with all my pieces came from the heart. Glad you enjoyed it. One Love



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