This is much like the post Mcbain for governer, but without the ridculous swearing and chat room action.
Is there anything you have planned you help promote this site. I'm sure that word-of-mouth might have been your trail blazer and even I have got two people to join. But it seems that it's simply not enough.
In the past, I've tried donig my own thing to liven things up, but due to my reacent absence and a misunderstanding about one of my posts, it was knida shot down.
I'm sure you read the post I had put in 'speak your mind', seeing as it was moved, and I did mean the things that I said there, yet I also think that there are others who give just as much as I do, who simply left when the fun did.
I'll try and get away from making all these obvious points and end with a question. Do you have anything in the works?
Is there anything you have planned you help promote this site. I'm sure that word-of-mouth might have been your trail blazer and even I have got two people to join. But it seems that it's simply not enough.
In the past, I've tried donig my own thing to liven things up, but due to my reacent absence and a misunderstanding about one of my posts, it was knida shot down.
I'm sure you read the post I had put in 'speak your mind', seeing as it was moved, and I did mean the things that I said there, yet I also think that there are others who give just as much as I do, who simply left when the fun did.
I'll try and get away from making all these obvious points and end with a question. Do you have anything in the works?