According to a news snippet on IMDB, Francis Ford Coppola, writer/director of the Godfather movies, was not even consulted concerning the upcoming Godfather video game, which is being developed by EA Redwood Shores. In a taped interview for AMC's Sunday Morning Shootout, Coppola said "I knew nothing about it. They never asked me if I thought it was a good idea."
Coppola was able to get a preview of the game, which he is also rather upset about. According to Coppola, "They use the characters everyone knows ... and then for the next hour they shoot and kill each other. I had absolutely nothing to do with the game and I disapprove."
Coppola was able to get a preview of the game, which he is also rather upset about. According to Coppola, "They use the characters everyone knows ... and then for the next hour they shoot and kill each other. I had absolutely nothing to do with the game and I disapprove."