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Gun Rights Group Sticks Up For Snoop, Questions U.S. Senator

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  • Gun Rights Group Sticks Up For Snoop, Questions U.S. Senator

    The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) is standing up to the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (ATF) and their decision to investigate Snoop Dogg, after he appeared at Tuesday's BET Awards in an armored vehicle surrounded by armed guards.

    CCRKBA Executive Director, Joe Waldron, questioned why the agency isn't also as vigilant against United States Senator, Ted Kennedy, who pleaded guilty to leaving a fatal car crash on July 25, 1969.

    "And that brings us around to Sen. Kennedy," Waldron said. "On July 25, 1969, he pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of a crime, the fatal car crash at Chappaquiddick. That guilty plea under federal gun law not only disqualifies Kennedy from owning a firearm, it also prevents him from having an armed bodyguard."

    "Kennedy has employed armed bodyguards in the past," Waldron said. "Some years ago, Kennedy bodyguard Chuck Stein was arrested at the Russell Senate Office Building with a handgun, two submachine guns and 146 rounds of ammunition. In all fairness, it would seem that ATF agents might also investigate whether Kennedy continues to have armed bodyguards, unless, of course, they have gone to the Doggs."

    Waldron was harsh on Kennedy, saying that the two had more in common than most people observe.

    "Snoop Dogg and Ted Kennedy not only have armed bodyguards in common," Waldron observed, "they both have criminal convictions that disqualify them from owning firearms. That probably explains why Sen. Kennedy doesn't want the rest of us to own a gun."

    CCRKBA is an organization with more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide and bills itself as one of the nation's premier gun rights organizations. The non-profit organization's goal is to preserve firearm freedoms by lobbying elected officials and supporting local gun rights activists throughout the country.

    "It would be a sad day, indeed, if a millionaire rap artist was subjected to a different standard than a millionaire politician," Waldron concluded.

    source: allhiphop.com

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