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Diddy Says Bush Has To Go, Q-Tip Educates Young Voters

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  • Diddy Says Bush Has To Go, Q-Tip Educates Young Voters

    Sean "P. Diddy" Combs wants voters to turn out in full force this year and remove current president George W. Bush from the oval office.

    Combs, who accepted the Patrick Lippert Award at this year's 11th Annual Rock the Vote Awards, said that Bush was not the man to lead the United States.

    "[We gotta] get Bush's ass up out that office," Combs said. "If you don’t agree with me, you got your right to go to the polls and represent him."

    Combs said that the next president, Republican or Democrat, must care about the needs of young people.

    "I honestly feel like the president we have in office today, he doesn’t care about young people," Combs continued. "He doesn’t care about minorities, and he does not, I don’t know if he feels it everyday, if he feels the pain, that the mothers and the fathers are feeling of all of those lost soldiers that are being reported everyday."

    Combs said he would vote for a candidate that was a "good person, that has a good heart and that doesn't turn his back on the people."

    Combs also said if change was to be made, people would have to do more than just be registered to vote.

    "We gonna have a party at the polls. On serious note, I don’t like the way its going down right now, and I have a chance to change it, just like all of you do."

    In related news, rapper Q-Tip is also getting involved with Rock the Vote's efforts to educate people on the importance of voting.

    On Monday, February 23, 2004, Q-Tip, U.S. Representative and Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Elijah E. Cummings, US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, State Senator Rodney Ellis, State Representative Garnet Coleman and Jehmu Greene, President of Rock the Vote will host a town hall meeting on the campus of Prairie View A&M University in Texas.

    More than 500 students are expected to join them to discuss the importance of student civic participation and the challenges facing minority student voting.

    The event will kick off at 6:00 PM.

    Source: allhiphop.com

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