A short film that focuses on the former 2 Live Crew member's life was selected for the prestigious festival.
Sundance Film Festival has selected The Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke for the 2012 Short Film Program.
According to a press release, the film, which traces his rise to fame in Hip Hop and attempt to run for Miami, Florida mayor, was included in 64 short films chosen from 7,675 world-wide submissions.
"It's an honor to have a highly respected organization such as the Sundance Film Institute recognize me and my life as an important part of American culture by adding The Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke to their 2012 line up," said Luke in a statement.
The film is produced by Miami’s Borscht Corp. in collaboration with Miami production company Rakontur. Luke explains that the inclusion of the film in the festival shows what Miami has to offer.
"This film lets the industry, and the world, know that we have creative talent in Miami that rivals any other city in the world,” he said. Borscht Corp. founder Lucas Leyva added, “We are honored to be selected for the second year in a row to the Sundance shorts program. It is validation for all the hard work and support given to Borscht by the entire community with the belief that the films created in this city can hang with the best in the world. We hope to do Miami stories justice.”
Source: hiphopdx.com
Sundance Film Festival has selected The Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke for the 2012 Short Film Program.
According to a press release, the film, which traces his rise to fame in Hip Hop and attempt to run for Miami, Florida mayor, was included in 64 short films chosen from 7,675 world-wide submissions.
"It's an honor to have a highly respected organization such as the Sundance Film Institute recognize me and my life as an important part of American culture by adding The Life and Freaky Times of Uncle Luke to their 2012 line up," said Luke in a statement.
The film is produced by Miami’s Borscht Corp. in collaboration with Miami production company Rakontur. Luke explains that the inclusion of the film in the festival shows what Miami has to offer.
"This film lets the industry, and the world, know that we have creative talent in Miami that rivals any other city in the world,” he said. Borscht Corp. founder Lucas Leyva added, “We are honored to be selected for the second year in a row to the Sundance shorts program. It is validation for all the hard work and support given to Borscht by the entire community with the belief that the films created in this city can hang with the best in the world. We hope to do Miami stories justice.”
Source: hiphopdx.com