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Twista Wins Restraining Order Against Wife

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  • Twista Wins Restraining Order Against Wife

    On Thursday (Sept. 2) a Chicago judge ordered that Twista’s wife, Rashida Mitchell be restrained from talking to the press about her divorce with the rapper.

    The order comes after an article that was printed in The Chicago Sun Times accused the rapper of neglecting his daughter.

    The article was published last week and referred to Twista’s success as a rapper. It also revealed his daughters name, age, school district and photograph.

    Twista married Mitchell in 1991 and three years later the couple had a little girl. They have been separated since 1996 and the divorce proceedings started in 1999.

    “He would come in court with phony check stubs showing that he made about $2,000 a month,” Mitchell said. “The court ordered Twista to pay me $100 a week in 1999. Right now he is two months behind.”

    Twista has other children besides the one he has with Mitchell, but none of the mothers have come forward to complain.

    Mitchell said her daughter was unhappy.

    "Her father is Twista although he has not given her the life that she deserves," Mitchell said. These comments moved Twista’s Chicago attorney Jeffery M. Leving, to file an emergency petition for a restraining order.

    "It is a sad state of affairs when a Judge has to order a mother not to speak to her child about the father in a negative manner,” Leving said.

    The granting of the restraining order also establishes that the rapper is current with his child support.

    "Twista is a loving father and his daughter means the world to him,” Leving said.

    Source: allhiphop.com

  • #2
    Oh, just wait till he reaches fame, right? Yeah, thats smart. I bet you wouldn't of heard this if Twista never went big like he did.


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