Ice Cube and David Cohen, creator of the animated hit series “Futurama,” have teamed up to create a half-hour animated comedy about an early 80’s Hip-Hop group. “Grandmaster Freak & the Furious 15” will center on a rap group in Englewood, New Jersey, which was the home of Sugar Hill Records, the label that released the first breakthrough rap record, “Rapper’s Delight” by the Sugar Hill Gang.
The animated show will detail the exploits of a rap crew and their leader, 17-year-old high school student, Grandmaster Freak.
Ice Cube and his partner in VisionCube Productions, Matt Alvarez will serve as executive producers.
"He's kind of this groundbreaking, trend-setting cool guy whose parents would much rather him study to become a lawyer," Alvarez told Variety. "We really want to capitalize on the early stages and the innocence of Hip-Hop. It was a new medium for all of these guys who didn't know anything about (the music industry)."
Alvarez said that he hopes to have a musical performance in each episode and that his famous partner and former NWA front man will lend his well known voice to a character on the show.
The series marks VisionCube’s first foray into television.
The animated show will detail the exploits of a rap crew and their leader, 17-year-old high school student, Grandmaster Freak.
Ice Cube and his partner in VisionCube Productions, Matt Alvarez will serve as executive producers.
"He's kind of this groundbreaking, trend-setting cool guy whose parents would much rather him study to become a lawyer," Alvarez told Variety. "We really want to capitalize on the early stages and the innocence of Hip-Hop. It was a new medium for all of these guys who didn't know anything about (the music industry)."
Alvarez said that he hopes to have a musical performance in each episode and that his famous partner and former NWA front man will lend his well known voice to a character on the show.
The series marks VisionCube’s first foray into television.