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Record Industry Sues 261 File Swappers

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  • Record Industry Sues 261 File Swappers

    The targets of the first lawsuits against music fans who share songs on the Internet include an elderly man in Texas who rarely uses his computer, a Yale University professor and an unemployed woman in New York who says she didn't know she was breaking the law.

    Each faces potentially devastating civil penalties or settlements that could cost them tens of thousands of dollars.

    The Recording Industry Association of America launched the next stage of its aggressive anti-piracy campaign Monday, filing 261 federal lawsuits across the country. The action was aimed at what the RIAA described as ''major offenders'' illegally distributing on average more than 1,000 copyrighted music files each, but lawyers warned they may ultimately file thousands of similar cases.

    Durwood Pickle, 71, of Richardson, Texas, said his teenage grandchildren downloaded music onto his computer during their visits to his home. He said his grown son had explained the situation in an earlier e-mail to the recording industry association.

    ''I didn't do it, and I don't feel like I'm responsible,'' Pickle said in an interview. ''It's been stopped now, I guarantee you that.''

    Pickle, who was unaware he was being sued until contacted by The Associated Press, said he rarely uses the computer in his home.

    ''I'm not a computer-type person,'' Pickle said. ''They come in and get on the computer. How do I get out of this?''

    Yale University professor Timothy Davis said he will stop sharing music files immediately. He downloaded about 500 songs from others on the Internet before his Internet provider notified him about the music industry's interest in his activities.

    ''I've been pretending it was going to go away,'' said Davis, who teaches photography.

    Another defendant, Lisa Schamis of New York, said her Internet provider warned her two months ago that record industry lawyers had asked for her name and address, but she said she had no idea she might be sued. She acknowledged downloading ''lots'' of music over file-sharing networks.

    ''This is ridiculous,'' said Schamis, 26. ''I didn't understand it was illegal.''

    She said the music industry shouldn't have the right to sue.

    ''It's wrong on their part,'' she said.

    An estimated 60 million Americans participate in file-sharing networks, using software that makes it simple for computer users to locate and retrieve for free virtually any song by any artist within moments. Internet users broadly acknowledge music-trading is illegal, but the practice has flourished in recent years since copyright statutes are among the most popularly flouted laws online.

    ''Nobody likes playing the heavy,'' said RIAA President Cary Sherman, who compared illegal music downloads to shoplifting. ''There comes a time when you have to stand up and take appropriate action.''

    Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., has already promised congressional hearings into how the music industry has identified and tracked the Internet users it's suing.

    ''They have a legitimate interest that needs to be protected, but are they protecting it in a way that's too broad and overreaching?'' Coleman said. ''I don't want to make criminals out of 60 million kids, even though kids and grandkids are doing things they shouldn't be doing.''

    The RIAA did not identify for reporters which Internet users it was suing or where they live. Lawsuits were filed in federal courthouses in New York City, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Dallas and elsewhere.

    ''Get a lawyer,'' advised Fred von Lohmann, an attorney for the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation. ''There's no simpler advice than that, whether you intend to fight this or not. You'll need someone to advise you.''

    With estimates that half of file-sharers are teenagers, all sides braced for the inevitable legal debate surrounding the financial damage to parents or grandparents. The RIAA named as the defendant in each lawsuit the person who paid for the household Internet account.

    ''That question will come up immediately, whether a minor can have the requisite knowledge to be the right defendant,'' said Susan Crawford, who teaches law at Yeshiva University's Cardozo law school in New York City. ''A very young child who didn't know what they were doing would be a bad defendant for the industry.''

    The RIAA also announced an amnesty program for people who admit they illegally share music, promising not to sue them in exchange for their admission and pledge to delete the songs off their computers. The offer does not apply to people who already are targets of legal action.

    Sherman called the amnesty offer ''our version of an olive branch.''

    Some defense lawyers have objected to the amnesty provisions, warning that song publishers and other organizations not represented by the RIAA won't be constrained by the group's promise not to sue.

    U.S. copyright laws allow for damages of $750 to $150,000 for each song offered illegally on a person's computer.

    Source: AP

  • #2
    UPDATE: Girl Settles Music Piracy Suit for $2000

    A 12-year-old girl in New York who was among the first to be sued by the record industry for sharing music over the Internet is off the hook after her mother agreed Tuesday to pay $2,000 to settle the lawsuit, apologizing and admitting that her daughter's actions violated U.S. copyright laws.

    In a new lawsuit Tuesday, a California attorney sued the recording industry, claiming its offer of amnesty for file-swappers in that state was misleading.

    The hurried settlement involving Brianna LaHara, an honors student, was the first announced one day after the Recording Industry Association of America filed 261 such lawsuits across the country. Lawyers for the RIAA said Brianna's mother, Sylvia Torres, contacted them early Tuesday to negotiate.

    ``We understand now that file-sharing the music was illegal,'' Torres said in a statement distributed by the recording industry. ``You can be sure Brianna won't be doing it anymore.''

    Brianna added: ``I am sorry for what I have done. I love music and don't want to hurt the artists I love.''

    The case against Brianna was a potential minefield for the music industry from a public relations standpoint. The family lives in a city housing project on New York's Upper West Side, and they said they mistakenly believed they were entitled to download music over the Internet because they had paid $29.99 for software that gives them access to online file-sharing services.

    The RIAA said this week it already had negotiated $3,000 settlements with fewer than 10 Internet users who learned they might be sued after the RIAA sent copyright subpoenas to their Internet providers. But lawyers negotiated those settlements before the latest round of lawsuits, and the RIAA had said any further settlements would cost defendants more than $3,000.

    Even in the hours before the settlement was announced, Brianna was emerging as an example of what critics said was overzealous enforcement by the powerful music industry.

    The top lawyer for Verizon Communications Inc., William Barr, charged earlier Tuesday during a Senate hearing that music lawyers had resorted to a ``campaign against 12-year-old girls'' rather than trying to help consumers turn to legal sources for songs online. Verizon's Internet subsidiary is engaged in a protracted legal fight against the RIAA over copyright subpoenas sent Verizon customers.

    Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., also alluded to Brianna's case.

    ``Are you headed to junior high schools to round up the usual suspects?'' Durbin asked RIAA President Cary Sherman during a Senate Judiciary hearing.

    Durbin said he appreciated the piracy threat to the recording industry, but added, ``I think you have a tough public relations campaign to go after the offenders without appearing heavy-handed in the process.''

    Sherman responded that most people don't shoplift because they fear they'll be arrested.

    ``We're trying to let people know they may get caught, therefore they should not engage in this behavior,'' Sherman said. ``Yes, there are going to be some kids caught in this, but you'd be surprised at how many adults are engaged in this activity.''

    It was unclear how Brianna's name - rather than her mother's - came to be listed as a defendant in this case. The recording industry said it named as the defendant in each lawsuit the person who paid for the household Internet account, but children typically aren't listed as account holders.

    The RIAA said it did not investigate each individual's background before filing its lawsuits.

    In the suit against the RIAA, attorney Ira P. Rothken of San Rafael, Calif., accuses the music trade group of ``unfair, misleading and fraudulent business practices'' for promoting an amnesty program aimed at music file-shares. The RIAA's ``Clean Slate'' program would allow file-sharers who step forward and pledge not to download files illegally to avoid being sued. Rothken did not immediately return a call for comment late Tuesday.

    Source: AP


    • #3
      Music Download Suit Settlements Announced

      The recording industry says it has settled 52 of the 261 suits it filed against Internet users accused of illegally permitted others to download music from their computers.

      The Recording Industry Association of America, which plans to file hundreds more lawsuits in October, did not specify how much it collected from the settlements it announced on Monday.

      Defense lawyers familiar with some cases said payments ranged from $2,500 to $7,500 each, with at least one settlement for as much as $10,000.

      The settlements, which do not include any admission of wrongdoing, require Internet users to destroy copies of illegally downloaded songs and agree to "not make any public statements that are inconsistent" with the agreement.

      The RIAA, the trade group for the largest labels, said one dozen other Internet users also agreed to pay unspecified amounts after they learned they might be sued. They had previously been notified by their Internet providers that music lawyers were seeking their names to sue and agreed to pay to avoid a lawsuit.

      "The music community`s efforts have triggered a national conversation, especially between parents and kids, about what`s legal and illegal when it comes to music on the Internet," RIAA President Cary Sherman said in a statement. "In the end it will be decided not in the courtrooms, but at kitchen tables across the country."

      Just three weeks ago, the RIAA filed 261 lawsuits against what it described as "major offenders" illegally distributing on average more than 1,000 copyrighted music files each. Lawyers and activists said more settlements were inevitable.

      Daniel N. Ballard, a lawyer whose firm is representing at least four defendants, said the settlement offers he was familiar with - between $3,000 and $4,000 - appeared aimed at discouraging Internet users from hiring defense lawyers.

      "It`s a small enough number that it doesn`t make economic sense to hire an attorney to litigate these," Ballard said.

      The RIAA also said 863 people have requested amnesty from future lawsuits, in exchange for a formal admission they illegally shared music and a pledge to delete the songs off their computers. The offer does not apply to people who already are targets of legal action.

      "I`m not surprised that ... people have been intimidated into signing this," said Ballard, who said there are roughly 62 million Americans who participate in file-sharing networks. He called those seeking amnesty a small ratio of total users.

      The RIAA has promised that hundreds or even thousands more lawsuits will be filed and has continued issuing hundreds of copyright subpoenas to compel Internet providers to identify subscribers suspected of illegally distributing music online.

      "This isn`t a legal matter, this is a PR event," said Greg Bildson, the chief operating and technology officer for LimeWire, a popular file-sharing service.

      LimeWire and other file-sharing companies have announced a new trade group, P2P United, to urge Congress to approve compulsory licenses for music files, which would force labels to offer songs on services for flat fees.

      Source: AP


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