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Keith Murray Explains Def Jam Release, Preps New Album

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  • #16
    Originally posted by phoenix1820
    But Bob Don't Get Me Started Because My Gun Is Loaded And Ready To Spill You To The Ground...lol...you Want To Be Poet....why Don't You Drop Some Lines...poser...lol....got Ya
    Its comments and actions like that, that will bring down our society, not the music. I listen to all kinds of music and I've never broken the law. Why? Because I was raised right. Don't blame the music blame the parents.

    And every bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch, that only happens if you let it.


    • #17

      Who Are You To Think Yourself An Expert All Of A Sudden. If You Would Get Some Fact You Would Know That Music Has Been The Driving Force Of Society Sence The Beginning.

      If You Must To Know Modern, Music Is The Heartbeat Of Our Civilization And That What It Will Help Bring Us Full Circle To Our Destruction.


      • #18
        Originally posted by phoenix1820

        Who Are You To Think Yourself An Expert All Of A Sudden. If You Would Get Some Fact You Would Know That Music Has Been The Driving Force Of Society Sence The Beginning.

        If You Must To Know Modern, Music Is The Heartbeat Of Our Civilization And That What It Will Help Bring Us Full Circle To Our Destruction.


        • #19
          Hey phoneix so are you gonna post some of your songs? By the way you suck a meaaaaaaan cock, thanks again.


          • #20
            I Would But Iam Afraid That You Might Bite Of My Lyric And Gett A Hit Single Off Them.

            By The Way I Would Have A Few Word For That Comment But I Am Going To Let That Slide Because Dude You Are Sick And I Don't Want To Please That Sick Head Of Yours.

            If You Must Know Mr Bobit Iam Not Gay And Stop Your Anthics Please Man.


            • #21

              You Little Pamper Wearing Infantile Pup....you Don't Know What Reality We Live And No Nothing Of The History Of Man. Music Is The Heart Beat Of Civilization Just Look Through History That What Link All Culture, Race, And Generations.


              • #22
                Man you type so much bullshit. Get the fuck outta here with that wack shit. And post some of your so called songs you fucking liar. Oh wait you don't have any. Get that dick out of your ass.


                • #23
                  Man So Much Trash From Your Pretty Little Dirty Mouth. Do Some Research Man And Then Get Back With Me.


                  • #24
                    Pretty little Dirty Mouth?? Damn you are gay...


                    • #25
                      Yeah Reading It Back That Did Sound A Bit Gay...but I Was Trying To Call You Pressy Or Pretty Boy, Or Moma Boy...lol Not The Bad Guy You Try To Be In Here. I Bet You Are A Little Nerd That Has No Social Life...lol


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