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Keith Murray Explains Def Jam Release, Preps New Album

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  • Keith Murray Explains Def Jam Release, Preps New Album

    After serving three years in prison for a 1995 brawl, rapper Keith Murray was released in May of 2001, rejoined Def Squad family, almost immediately jumped on the hit record "Fatty Girl," and inked a deal with Def Jam.

    So with a hit single getting moderate radio airplay and a new album, He's Keith Murray being promoted by Def Jam, why was he suddenly released from his contract?

    "I got into a disagreement with one of the *****s that work up there," Murray revealed. "He took the situation up into the office, saying things like he couldn't work under the pressure. I would call Kevin [Liles, President of Def Jam] about certain things and it would be done with. This guy put a letter into human resources and they told Kevin that they (human resources) would deal with it."

    The result was walking papers, which Murray says were the result of simple label politics.

    "Due to the lawsuit that Lyor got into with TVT and the thing going down with Murder Inc., they gave me my release because they didn't want to deal with it," Murray continued.

    The rapper is not looking back . He's launched his own label, Head Rush Entertainment and has started recording a new yet-to-be titled album and has nine songs in the can.

    "I was already uncomfortable with Def Jam anyway, because they were trying to control my creativity and I didn't like that," Murray said.

    Murray is currently negotiation with three "powerhouse" record labels to handle his new album, which he says will hit shelves in late fall/early spring.

    "I want my fans to know I aint going no where. Matter of fact, hit me up on email at kmurrayrap@aol.com. I'll be on it and respond back. I gotta keep the people close to me."

    Source: allhiphop

  • #2
    Walter....aren't We A Little Expert Corner...thank You For Just Showing Us How America Can Become The Precursor To The Down Fall Of Civilization.


    • #3
      shut up

      Originally posted by phoenix1820
      Walter....aren't We A Little Expert Corner...thank You For Just Showing Us How America Can Become The Precursor To The Down Fall Of Civilization.
      Ya I'm sure rap is the down fall of our civilization.... gimmie a break lol


      • #4
        Mcbain When Was That Last Time A Rap Rhyme Was About Something Meaningful To Humanity. All I Hear About Is Money, Drugs, Sex...etc

        Nothing Positive That Will Help Are Youth Become Pillars Of Society.
        We Have Rapper Like M & M Tell His Mom Off And Such On His Album....now What Is That Telling Some Kid Who Is Listening To That...rap Is Nothing But A Weapon Of Mass Destruction....intead Of Going Into Iraq Bush Should Turn His Attention To Making Rap More Positive And Such...


        • #5
          LOL go pick up 2pac Me agaisnt the world, or Any Ras Kass album or Nas Album. Matter a fact listen to Talib Kweli.

          Don't pop off at the mouth about stuff you know nothing about son.


          • #6
            Originally posted by phoenix1820
            Mcbain When Was That Last Time A Rap Rhyme Was About Something Meaningful To Humanity. All I Hear About Is Money, Drugs, Sex...etc

            Nothing Positive That Will Help Are Youth Become Pillars Of Society.
            We Have Rapper Like M & M Tell His Mom Off And Such On His Album....now What Is That Telling Some Kid Who Is Listening To That...rap Is Nothing But A Weapon Of Mass Destruction....intead Of Going Into Iraq Bush Should Turn His Attention To Making Rap More Positive And Such...
            The reason why thats all you hear is because thats all the raido plays. Stop listening to commerical garbage. I'm not the biggest rap fan, but people like Rakim and Krs-1 give rap a good name.


            • #7
              well mainstrem radio is all the kid of today listen to....big time rappers like m&m, snoop, and 50cent....you telling me that what they spew out is educational...are you telling me that what kid should live by...mcbain i know of the underground but what the purpose of those underground if they are not making a dent into the minds of our youth.

              The youths of today idolize m and 50 and who promote these big time rapper MTV....now you tell me about that.....iam out... and these so call underground rapper what happen to them when they hit the big times? wasn't snoop and m and 50 part of that underground system and look what they are doing. these rapper as soon as block out where they came from as a rich man forget his trailer pass up bringing...
              Last edited by phoenix1820; 09-24-2003, 6:14 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by phoenix1820
                well mainstrem radio is all the kid of today listen to....big time rappers like m&m, snoop, and 50cent....you telling me that what they spew out is educational...are you telling me that what kid should live by...mcbain i know of the underground but what the purpose of those underground if they are not making a dent into the minds of our youth.

                The youths of today idolize m and 50 and who promote these big time rapper MTV....now you tell me about that.....iam out... and these so call underground rapper what happen to them when they hit the big times? wasn't snoop and m and 50 part of that underground system and look what they are doing. these rapper as soon as block out where they came from as a rich man forget his trailer pass up bringing...
                Its not the rappers fault what the radio plays. The radio force feeds what the public hears. And yes snoop and 50 were once underground, but theres a reason why they didnt stay underground. Its because of what they rap about. Their style never was what you call "positive"

                Theres a reason why people that our in the underground stay there. They rap about stuff that they radio wont play cause its not the bling bling gangster image. Only a few people make it out with their style being different. Take the rapper Common for example.

                For you to say that all rap is horrible and not positive is very ignorant and I have just destroyed your theory. And if you don't agree then listen to Common, Ras Kass, Nas, Rakim, Krs-1, Talib Kweli ect. ect.


                • #9
                  My Theory Is About What Kid Listen To And What Rapper Are Saying. Please Spear Me The Lecture Because Rapper Come Up With Their Lyrics And They Have A Choice To Produce And Image That Kid Can Build Upon.

                  Answer This? Why Does M Have Do Destroy His Mom Like That? Or Why Does 50 Cent Have To Be Rapping About How He Use To Selldrugs On The Street?

                  I Know That Not All Rapper Portray That Image But The One That Kid Listen To Do And That What I Have A Problem With.

                  I Know My Theory Might Seem A Bit Ignorant But That Is Just Because Iam Passionate About This Subject And I Could Of Been A Rapper...lol Well I Tried To Be One And That Was About It...lol.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by phoenix1820
                    My Theory Is About What Kid Listen To And What Rapper Are Saying. Please Spear Me The Lecture Because Rapper Come Up With Their Lyrics And They Have A Choice To Produce And Image That Kid Can Build Upon.

                    Answer This? Why Does M Have Do Destroy His Mom Like That? Or Why Does 50 Cent Have To Be Rapping About How He Use To Selldrugs On The Street?

                    I Know That Not All Rapper Portray That Image But The One That Kid Listen To Do And That What I Have A Problem With.

                    I Know My Theory Might Seem A Bit Ignorant But That Is Just Because Iam Passionate About This Subject And I Could Of Been A Rapper...lol Well I Tried To Be One And That Was About It...lol.
                    I just told you why they do it. Its because thats what the radio plays. If they don't then they wont get air time and the next guy will. Maybe if every rapper in the world rap about what you say is "positive" then it would change but thats not going to happen. And rap is not the only music that has evil lyrics my friend.

                    And your theory is ignorant because I just posted rappers that our mainstream that our "positive" I guess you just don't like to read the truth that proves you wrong.


                    • #11
                      Some real good points right there McBain. Hey phoneix their is bad rap music, but there is also bad rock music, metal music, ect ect. Theres almost bad apples in every bunch.

                      And McBain I have listened to common and his music is beautiful and shows and very positive image. Maybe you should buy his album phoneix instead of posting hog wash.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by phoenix1820
                        I Know My Theory Might Seem A Bit Ignorant But That Is Just Because Iam Passionate About This Subject And I Could Of Been A Rapper...lol Well I Tried To Be One And That Was About It...lol.
                        You tried to be a rapper??? Hahahahah yeah right. Lets hear some of your songs then? Oh wait I bet you talked about dicks in your loose ass in several of your songs didn't ya? Balls slappin agaisnt your hairy ass? Please tell us lol


                        • #13
                          Fine....let What Is...is...i Have No More Say In The Matter...society Wants This Then So It Must Be.....let America See It End As Nothing Can Be Done To Stop This Spiral Into The Fall Of The Next Great Civilization...like Its Couterpart The Roman Empire Before It...


                          • #14

                            What A Maggot You Are....i Almost Chuck Up My Lunch You Fool... I Will Not Allow Myself To SInk to YouR Lower Level Of Brian Activity.

                            But Bob Don't Get Me Started Because My Gun Is Loaded And Ready To Spill You To The Ground...lol...you Want To Be Poet....why Don't You Drop Some Lines...poser...lol....got Ya
                            Last edited by phoenix1820; 09-24-2003, 10:23 AM.


                            • #15




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