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Nelly outrages White supremacists

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  • Nelly outrages White supremacists

    A December 2004 MTV.com article in which Nelly refers to collaborator, Country singer Tim McGraw's wife as a "bad beeyatch" has angered White supremacists. More and more whiterevolution.com members are fuming over Nelly's comment and outraged that McGraw laughed it off and later said he respected the St. Lunatic. In several posts on the site's forum, members proceed to share their disgust for McGraw and call him a "wigger" and a "ni99a lover".

    Still, McGraw doesn't get half the tongue lashing Nelly receives. The site's members refer to Pimp Juice as "the ni99a" and call him "subhuman" several times. In one particular post, member Vere states, "I saw the grotesque and disgusting video on the country music channel of McGraw and the subhuman groid pretending to be equally human and having the same emotional needs and responses, etc. But I saw it just once and had difficulty at that time focusing on the words of the ni99a, being so disconcerted and angered just watching these two completely different species propagandizing sameness."

    Source: sohh.com

  • #2
    Man, fuck this bullshit. I'm gonna go on some white supremacist website and start dissin' them muhfucka. Cuz I can't stand racist fucks. I've been threatened by rednecks and nazi members all throughout my highschool year. An I didn't put up with it then and I ain't gonna put up with it now. I hate it when my gurl gets called a "****** lover" and she Puerto Rican. How fuckin' dumb is that kind of shit. People are stupid these days.


    • #3
      i just ignore them idiots homie.....only people keepin racism alive is the people like the "Panthers", "The Klan", ect...

      all these people needa stop lookin at things in terms of contrast to light...cause if it werent for the eyes, we'd all think we were the same!


      • #4
        Man those red necks are just a bunch of punk ass bitches. None of them have the balls to say that to a black man's face.


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