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Beanie Sigel Murder Witness: "I can't remember."

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  • Beanie Sigel Murder Witness: "I can't remember."

    A key witness in Beanie Sigel's murder re-trial revealed in the courtroom yesterday that he lied to police about witnessing the shooting.

    David Aimes, who during last year's trial testified about seeing Sigel shoot his friend Terence Speller, nervously changed his words on the witness stand yesterday, blaming his memory.

    Beans is being re-tried for allegedly shooting Speller outside local strip club The Pony Tail, in West Philadelphia on July 1st, 2003. Last year's trial was declared a mistrial after the jury said they were deadlocked after 5 days of deliberations.

    Sigel aka Dwight Grant has pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder and aggravated assault charges, among other related charges. There is no physical evidence linking Sigel to the crime.

    According to reports, Aimes was inconsistent, anxious and scared while on the witness stand yesterday. When asked by Assistant Districy Attorney Lynn Nichols if he saw "the defendant fire the gun," Aimes replied, "Not that I can recall." He then said he did not see Beans shoot Terrence or even carry a gun.

    Later on he Nichols asked him again, "Who shot Terrence?" Aimes said, "the defendant." Then she repeated "did you see the defendant fire the gun" and he said "I can't remember."

    Then Aimes changed his statement one more time when Bean's lawyer Fortunato Perri approached him. "You didn't see this shooting, did you? Did you?" Aimes's replied with a whisper, "Not really." Perri followed by asking, "You're going by what people told you, right?" "Little bit," Aimes said.

    At one point, Aimes even looked at the Common Pleas Court Judge Karen Shreeves-Johns and asked: "Your Honor, do I have to answer these questions?" After she replied yes, he said, "I really don't want to be involved in this case, because I got to think about my own life," while occasionally looking over at Sigel.

    Detective Mary Kuchinsky also took the stand yesterday. She interviewed Aimes hours after the shooting happened. Kuchinsly said he would not tell her who shot Terrence. She said he appeared to be afraid. "He told me he wished he could tell me, but he had family on the street," and was concerned about them.

    Sigel is currently free on $150,000 bail. The trial continues in Common Pleas Court today.

    Source: sohh.com

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