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Foxy Fires Attorney For Talking About Hearing Loss

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  • Foxy Fires Attorney For Talking About Hearing Loss

    Despite recently telling People magazine, "I couldn't even hear myself scream," about her sensorineural hearing loss, Foxy Brown has apparently fired her attorney Joseph Tacopina for talking to the media about her condition.

    Foxy appeared at Manhattan Criminal Court Monday to face charges that she assaulted two Chelsea manicurists. While being questioned by the press, Tacopina told reporters that Brown's hearing loss had worsened.

    "She is pretty much totally deaf," Tacopina was quoted by the New York Post. "This hearing loss is truly a tragedy."

    Foxy was actually at her lawyer's side when the comments were made, and despite whatever hearing condition she might have she was unhappy enough to fire her lawyer for the unauthorized public testimony, particularly since she says the details Tacopina shared were inaccurate.

    Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) president Benjamin Chavis told the New York Post Tacopina was canned "for giving improper and inappropriate statements to the press about her medical condition when she had requested of him not to make any statements to the press about anything other than her legal case.

    "She felt the attorney went too far, and therefore he was dismissed on the spot," Chavis added. "She heard him say things she had not authorized him to say about her health."

    While Tacopina has confirmed that he is no longer representing Foxy, he claims the decision had nothing to do with any discussions about her hearing loss, particularly since he says she authorized him to talk in court about her medical condition.

    "I hope they're not using that as a cover," Tacopina told The Post. "We parted ways because of a difference of opinion about how to proceed with her case."

    As far as Tacopina's comments about the hearing loss he said, "She wanted me to explain to the judge that she can't hear. That was done on the record."

    Tacopina also said that he spoke about Foxy's condition to reporters only because they were in court and asked him about it.

    Foxy Brown's current court woes stem from an August 2004 incident, when two workers at a Chelsea manicure shop said she struck them after they confronted her about an unpaid bill for a manicure and pedicure. Brown said she never received the manicure, and that she was locked inside the salon during the dispute.

    Source: sohh.com

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