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Cam'ron Plans To Confront Internet Pedophiles And Release It On DVD

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  • Cam'ron Plans To Confront Internet Pedophiles And Release It On DVD

    Throughout his career, Cam'ron has put more than a few MCs on notice, but now he's turning his scorn toward sexual predators who try to hook up with kids on the Internet. In October Cam plans on putting out a DVD featuring several of his own sting operations.

    "I saw a special that MSNBC had done one time on [adults] on the Internet thinking they're talking to 13- or 14-year-olds," Cam explained of the inspiration for his latest and most surprising endeavor. "These people drive 200, 300 miles just to meet a 13- or 14-year-old. It ranges from teachers to rabbis to construction workers. It's just disgusting.

    "We set up a similar situation where we are videotaping people thinking they're gonna meet little kids," he continued. "When they get there, it's gonna be me and [my manger] Big Joe like, 'What the hell are you doing, you damn pervert? What the f--- is wrong with you, coming to meet a 13-year-old boy?' We're gonna talk to them and not let them leave until we find out what's wrong with them."

    So far Cam has caught two people in compromising positions, he said, and he wants to catch at least eight more for the still-untitled DVD. According to his crew, the Diplomats, there will be no police involvement.

    On Tuesday, Cam's previous involvement with police found him standing in front of a judge thanks to a probation violation. In November he performed in Washington, D.C., but his probation requires him to get permission before leaving the state of New York, and he did not. Police were alerted to his whereabouts after he was shot as his convoy left a D.C. nightclub. He must return to court in a few weeks to find out if he'll serve 30 days in jail.

    "I'm being penalized for a shooting that went public that I'm a victim of," hissed Cam, who claims D.C. police are harassing him. "I'm not crying about it, because the law is the law. I was supposed to get permission. You're right, I did slip up and did go, but I don't really [like] how the case is being handled."

    Source: vh1.com

  • #2

    I'd buy this shit in a heart beat. Maybe Cam'ron will run into R. Kelly lol


    • #3
      I hope Cam takes a pool stick and shoves it up these sick perverts assholes!!


      • #4
        There is nothing more sick than a pedophile. I'm glad Cam is going after people like this. There is a reason these sickos get murdered in prison.


        • #5
          I hope they show cam'ron playing on the internet, trying to find pervs lol

          After he catches these fools, he should beat the shit out of them.


          • #6
            even though hes going to kill these sikkos I can see the headlines now " rap causes more violence"


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