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Rev. Al Sharpton's March for Decency Gets Off on the Right Foot

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  • Rev. Al Sharpton's March for Decency Gets Off on the Right Foot

    Hundreds of demonstrators reportedly joined Reverend Al Sharpton on his March of Decency in Music in New York City on May 3rd.

    According to New York'sDaily News, Sharpton and his supporters, who are calling for an end of the terms 'bi**h', 'h*e' and 'ni**er' on albums and the airwaves, stopped by various record labels headquarters including the offices of Sony, Warner and Universal Music Group.

    The march would then make its final stop in front of the TimeWarnerCenter in Columbus Circle where Sharpton would address a crowd of over 300 people.

    "Stop the dirty lyrics," Sharpton declared. "We're not asking for censorship, but there's a standard in this business. It appears that people are more enraged and more outraged than we thought."

    Rap pioneer Kurtis Blow and City Councilwoman Darlene Mealy (D-Brooklyn) also took part in the march which reportedly filled the city's busy sidewalks.

    "I've recorded over 150 rap songs and never used profanity," explained Kurtis Blow. "So I'm a living proof you can do rap without profanity."

    "We have to start getting their attention," Mealy said of recording industry executives. "The way to hold them accountable is hurting their profits".

    Shaprton plans to buy stock in Time Warner and Universal Music Group through his National Action Network to attend shareholder meetings and address degrading lyrics.

    Although various media outlets, hip-hop critics and activists believe the record industry should be held liable for the music they distribute, rap fans feel the artists should be held most responsible.

    A recent poll conducted by SOHH revealed that 71 % of those surveyed say artists should be held most responsible for bringing about a change in controversial song content and the use of degrading lyrics in rap music.

    The survey included feedback from hip-hop consumers between the ages of 12 and 36.

    Source: sohh.com

  • #2
    Busta Rhymes Freed On Bail, Blood Alcohol Level Under Question

    Busta Rhymes was released on $7,500 bail Thursday afternoon (May 3) after being arrested on drunken driving charges hours earlier.

    Rhymes (born Trevor Smith) was stopped by officers at approximately 12:40 a.m. on Manhattan's West Side because the SUV he was driving had overly tinted windows. Authorities claim they smelled booze on the rapper's breath and he was then taken into custody on a charge of driving while under the influence of alcohol.

    According to Officer Jeffrey Rohe, who detailed the arrest to New York's Daily News, Busta's bulletproof GMC Yukon XL was armed with a tint meter that blocked out more than 70% of light transmission.

    The vehicle reportedly has bullet- resistant tires, 2 inch thick bullet repellent windows and its exterior is made of steel and Kevlar, the material used in bulletproof vests.

    "The car was outfitted for war or to protect [President] Bush," a police source told the Daily News. "He's driving around a safe city like it's the red zone in Iraq."

    "I think it's only prudent," said Scott Leemon, Rhymes' attorney. "I tell all my entertainment customers to have security with them all the time and to drive a secured vehicle."

    Police revealed that when Busta was asked to roll down his vehicle's window, which doesn't drop because its security glass, he got out of the vehicle and fumbled for his identification and dropped his wallet on the ground.

    "I don't have my license on me," he told the cops." I had one shot of Hennessy about an hour and a half ago."

    Police say Busta's blood alcohol level read at 0.147 at the scene but it fell to 0.067 during a generally more reliable follow-up test at a police station. The legal intotoixication limit is 0.08.

    Busta is scheduled to go to trial on Tuesday (May 8). He is facing charges for assaulting his former driver, Eddie Hatchett, during a dispute over back pay. He is also charged for assaulting a fan who allegedly spit on his car in August.

    In February, Manhattan Judge Tanya Kennedy offered him a plea deal that would have kept him out of jail if he plead guilty to both assault charges. She would withdraw her offer three days later after Busta was arrested for driving with a suspended license.

    According to a New York Post report, Kennedy said she would wrap all of the cases into one when he returns to court next week.

    Source: sohh.com


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