"Anakin will fail his challenge but it will cost him his soul." - GL
"...if you start with Star Wars, then Vader's just the villain, and that's it. But you don't realize that he's a human being, that he's got problems you don't realize that he could have been saved, that he was tricked and can be resurrected." - GL
Pieces of Darth Vader's armor will be seen on several different characters. It will all come together to make the final Vader armor. - C2
"The scene where Anakin does actually become Vader is pretty good. I mean, I like it. It's a little in the vocabulary of…I don't know how much I want to give away…but it's in the vocabulary of a time – of the 1930s and 1940s. It's a pretty neat little thing, I think, and hopefully it's going to work." - GL
"It's mostly Anakin in Ep3 as opposed to Vader" - GL
"George Lucas says 'When Anakin goes bionic -- that will be in the last five minutes of episode three -- they will hear you."- JEJ
James Earl Jones talks about his role being about 5 minutes in length, "right after Anakin goes bionic and falls into a volcano." - JEJ
In this film, you realize, it's more about Anakin making the wrong choices. He's given a glorious moment by George -- I'm so happy with part of the script -- where he truly has to make a choice. In the end, I think that's a smarter way to go than a slow transformation. It's more tragic this way." - Iain McCaig
"We will see Anakin doing more evil things a la slaughtering the Tuskens." - RM
"We will see more interaction between Anakin and Palpatine." - RM
Palpatine discusses a new assignment to Anakin in the Chancellor's Office. - OS
"We will see the emperor and/or Anakin make use of the dark side of the force with lightning, chokes and more." - RM
Hayden will look quite rugged and weathered after having fought in the Clone Wars for years. - OS
Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor show up in full wardrobe. Anakin's is in one of his Episode III looks -- according to the slate, they're shooting Hayden's "tidy" look. His "messy" look will come later. A scar added by makeup isn't reading well enough on the monitors, so Nikki Gooley and her crew thicken it up to make this particular trophy of the Clone Wars more visible. - OS
"The current plan is for Anakin to have the same metallic hand he had at the end of AOTC." - JK
"Vader may have more screentime that originally anticipated." - RM
The major focus is the breakdown in friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin. - SW Insider
A scene will include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Palpatine, Mace, and Bail Organa - as well as a swarm of Senators and planetary representatives, alien and human alike. - OS
"There are new Starfighters being built for Anakin and Obi-Wan." - GB
Anakin and Obi-Wan will be in an environment with "extreme wind". - OS
In one scene called a "Lobby" and "Hallway", Anakin and Obi-Wan will be walking down a corridor and will join R2-D-2 at one point. Anakin and Ob-Wan will also be in an "Elevator" scene together. - OS
One scene will be in "Padmé's Apartment" and we will see Padmé, Anakin and C-3PO. Anakin will be shirtless in the scene and we will see his exposed mechanical arm. - OS
We will see Anakin and Obi-Wan together on a landing platform on Coruscant. - OS
In a Jedi Council scene, we will see Mace Windu discussing new assignments with Hayden and Ewan. Yoda, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, and Saesee Tiin are among those present. -OS
"Hayden's acting and portrayal of Anakin turning to the dark side amazes me. And to see Hayden wielding a lightsaber ("or three") is a treat. The audience will get goosebumps when they see the portrayal and betrayal by Anakin." - AD
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé are in a scene described as "major" and "grim".- OS
Anakin will fly a Jedi Starfighter. - OS
The reason for Anakin's facial scars will be explained in the novels that take place "between movies". - OS
Anakin will be wearing a headband while in his starfighter that is similar to the one used by Obi-Wan in the Jedi Starfighter in Ep2. During the scenes, Anakin's lines will be calling to other pilots, describing the battle around him and other reactions. - OS
In an elevator shaft set Anakin will wear a wire rig to simulate a Force-assisted jump. It will be a two-stage jump - leaping up onto one landing and then propelling upwards and away. - OS
Three words that Darth Vader speaks in Ep3 are "I don't fear..." - RM
The movie will explain all of Anakin's injuries except for one (the facial scar as noted in the recent HS set diary). - RM
There will be a scene when Anakin is given the name of Darth Vader and an explanation as to why he was given the name and what it means. - RM
It won't be the special effects that make the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel so thrilling, it will be the betrayal. - RM
Rick felt saddened, shocked, angry and betrayed after reading the story of Anakin's downfall. - RM
Obi-Wan and Anakin will have four scenes underwater which won't amount to much screentime. - OS
Vader will have lines that make it clear that he is with the Dark Side of the force. -PH
The lightsabers used by Obi-Wan and Anakin are ones we have seen before. - PH
Anakin will be seen using a blue lightsaber (seen in Ep4) and a red lightsaber. - PH
Darth Vader will prove to be the "most deadly character" in the film. - PH
Anakin and Obi-Wan's costumes will have discolorizations, cuts and burns from fighting and from their environment. - OS
Anakin's costume will become darker as the film moves forward. - TB
On Sept 01, at 5:48 p.m., an unmistakable and iconic dark form was captured on camera. The first take was mesmerizing and everyone applauded. -OS
Early in the film, Anakin and Obi-Wan will wield lightsabers as partners fighting side-by-side, united against a common foe. - OS
Anakin will "save" Obi-Wan at one point during the film. -PH
Palpatine has several scenes with Anakin. -PH
There will be no doubt that Anakin is Darth Vader as seen in the film. -PH
Anakin knows Padme is pregnant and expecting. -PH
"Anakin will cover just about every fighting style in Episode III." - NG Ewan and Hayden are the actors with the most screen time. -PH
Anakin's fall is shocking. -PH
At the beginning of the film Anakin and Obi-Wan are still good friends and we will see they have grown even closer since battling in the clone wars together. But Anakin has been building another friendship too... -PH
When asked what color Anakin's lightsaber will be during the duel with Obi-Wan, Dan said to watch Ep4. -DG
Currently, there is no digital version of Darth Vader but there may be one designed in the future. -DG
In one scene, Anakin will be running from unseen dangers. George told Hayden he did not need to say his lines, only to look back and run like hell. -OS
Anakin will slide down the length of a ramp while attempting to control his descent and using his comlink for help. -OS
Anakin will be a Jedi Knight in Ep3, no longer a padawan. -PH
Anakin will meet with a Jedi instructor who is training 2 padawans. One padawan is a very young male and the other is a teenage female. - OS
We will immediately know why Obi-Wan referred to Anakin as "the best starpilot in the galaxy". -PE
"Anakin becomes pure evil....." -HC
Anakin is more or less in the entire film, in every scene in the movie. The character arc is very specific and graduates to the dark side nicely. It was a great part to play. It's definitely darker in tone but I turn into Darth Vader, so how could it not be?" - HC
Anakin does not have any scenes with Chewbacca. -HC
"Darth Vader's fighting style was the toughest [to choreograph]. The skill is mostly balance and having your feet in the right place." -NG
"You'll hear the (Vader) breathing. I do get to finalize my character arc, and where that ends up most people know." -HC
Anakin's fighting style will certainly change as the character goes further towards the dark side. -NG
Nick has seen Hayden in the Vader costume. -NG
Darth Vader will talk to people via hologram in Ep3. -OS
Nick's cameo Jedi character has long hair and will be seen facing off against Anakin. -NG
We will see Anakin committing more dark deeds, similar to the Tusken slaughter. The tastes and sensibilities of Star Wars are rooted in the 30s, and that might not satisfy the more graphic wants of modern audiences. That said, I was surprised by some of the things that are planned for in this movie. -PH
There are references to love (Anakin & Padme) in Ep3. -PH
Anakin will no longer be having petty arguments with his master. Anakin is very self-assured now. -PH
Vader will not use any of the buttons on his chest plate. -PH

"Bail Organa's role will be significantly expanded in Episode III and he is an 'emerging character'." - GL
Bail Organa will wear a decorative wrist-guard with blinking LEDs. - OS
Bail Organa will have several costume changes. - OS
In one scene, Padmé and Obi-Wan will join C-3PO hurrying down a starship ramp to meet Bail Organa at its base. - OS
A scene will include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Palpatine, Mace, and Bail Organa - as well as a swarm of Senators and planetary representatives, alien and human alike. - OS
A scene will feature an indoor hangar for Bail Organa and his aides. - OS
One scene shot will include Yoda walking and talking with Obi-Wan and Bail Organa. - OS
A scene will feature Bail Organa going down a corridor and he will be in a hurry. - OS
Bail Organa will have at least 3 costume changes throughout the film. The outfits are less regal and more conducive for action scenes and also blend in with the OT costumes a bit more. - TB
Bail is in a scene with Yoda in a conference room that features blinking lights and buttons that hark back to the OT settings. The scene is all dialogue and the characters are discussing crucial events of the galaxy. - OS
Bail will be in a scene on a landing platform on Coruscant that is round in shape. Bail will exchange laser fire with unseen opponents before making a quick escape in his shiny red speeder. - OS
Bail Organa will be in his speeder with wind effects adding to the atmosphere of the scene. Bail will also use his wrist comlink in the scene. - OS
Jimmy Smits and Ian McDiarmid seemed to be the actors that enjoyed wearing their costumes the most. Both have many more costumes than previous films and a number of costumes that could almost match Padmé's wardrobe in size. - TB

"We will see Battle Droids (including Supers) and Destroyer Droids in Episode 3 - as well as some cool new ones." - RC
There will be "evil" droids we have not yet seen in the prequels. - DB
The regular battle droids in Ep3 will be a mix of what we've seen before. - OS
There will be new and unique droids in Ep3. - DB

Bruce plays the leader of an alien planet who harbors a fugitive Obi-Wan Kenobi. - OS
"I'm a very benevolent person, a helpful alien the heroes need to hide with for a while." - BS
"It involves an enormous amount of latex. There are no tentacles, but he is very tall and he is definitely an alien." - BS
The design of Bruce Spence's alien character was very influenced by the look of Boris Karloff in one of his famous makeup roles. - OS
The alien planet's inhabitants are costumed performers and not digital aliens. The aliens "look fantastic" and "creepy" and "impossible" with inhuman proportions and angular costumes. -OS
Spence's character is described as tall, gaunt, has macabre makeup, an ashen complexion, obsidian eyes and twisted teeth - giving a chilling smile that got reactions from the crew. - OS
The alien race played by Bruce Spence are tall and thin. The costumes are designed to exaggerate those traits. -TB

"Well, one, his brains have, his memory system has been erased and so has R2's. So, they don't remember anything from the first trilogy. I'm telling you something from Episode III, but I shouldn't be telling you that, but I think most of the fans already know that." - GL
"Their memories will be erased at the end of EpIII." - GL
Anthony Daniels is polished and golden as C-3PO. - OS
In one scene, C-3PO will serve drinks to a gathering of Senators, which include Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma, Chris Kirby, Warren Owens, Bai Ling, as well as a new blue faced female Senator who has appeared in both Episodes I and II ("Pampy"). A Senator refuses a beverage offered to him by C-3PO as he is serving drinks. We will hear 3PO's lines to be formal and humorous, similar to his OT lines. - OS
R2 and 3PO will be in a scene going down a starship ramp. Padmé and Obi-Wan join C-3PO, hurrying down the ramp to meet Bail Organa at its base. - OS
Padme and Threepio will be in a scene looking out a window of a palace at something spectacular. - OS
In one scene, Padmé, Obi-Wan and C-3PO will be "the scene that explains it all" on a vista with moderate winds. - OS
One scene will be in "Padmé's Apartment" and we will see Padmé, Anakin and C-3PO. - OS
R2 and 3PO's relationship "deepens and blossoms". - DB
There are currently no plans to include another protocol droid in Ep3 other than C-3PO. - DB
For C-3PO's costume they are re-using one from ESB/ROJ and modifying the TC-14 costume due to the more jumbled wires which is more of an Ep4 tie-in. - DB
C-3PO's shin is not silver. - DB
Currently there are no plans for C-3PO to be injured other than from emotional damage. - DB
C-3PO will not have any action sequences. - AD
They have not filmed (or decided) whether or not C-3PO will have the last line in Ep3. - AD
C-3PO will have scenes in Padme Amidala's home. (Apartment set?) - AD
C-3PO will have a scene(s) with Jar-Jar. - AD
C-3PO is "indeed perfect" in Ep3 and "3PO feels good about it". - AD
C-3PO will carry something very heavy. - OS
Anthony made a script change suggestion to George in order to change the word "hurt" to "damage" and it was approved. - AD
C-3PO has scene(s) with Palpatine in Ep3. - AD
As dark as Ep3 will be, we will still see classic humorous scenes between C-3PO and R2-D2. - AD
One scene on a landing platform will include Captain Typho, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO. ILM will add in a digital speeder. - OS
Another scene involved C-3PO and Padmé sitting at the controls of a Naboo starship with a cockpit that will resemble the one from the yacht seen in Ep2 when Anakin and Padmé flew to Geonosis. C-3PO will sit down in the scene. - OS
Jar Jar has a scene with C-3PO. -AD
Both C-3po and R2-D2's significance is about the same as it was in Empire, with a little less for Threepio and a little more for Artoo. - PH

"Chewbacca will join the fray with a small part in one of the action sequences of Episode III." - GL
"I was told by George Lucas that I would be playing a large part in the story including the delivering of two twin babies and playing a role in a major battle scene that involves many war machines. In fact, the opening action scene involving many Wookiees takes place on one of the many new planets seen in this movie." - PM
C-3PO may (or may not) have scenes with Chewbacca. - AD
Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) will film his scenes in March of 2004. - RM
Chewbacca will be easily identified during his scenes and character depth will be added to the classic trilogy Chewbacca. - RM
In the current script, Chewbacca will be identified by name in the film. - PH
Pablo Hidalgo has seen no proof that Peter Mayhew's comments about "Chewbacca saving the twins" and/or "being in an action scene involving war machines" are anything more than rumors. -PH
We will see wookiees in action and "it is something to see". - DG
Ben Burtt will use old sound effects for Chewie, and anticipates he'll need to make new sounds as well. - BB
Anakin does not have any scenes with Chewbacca. -HC
"The viewer will recognize Chewbacca but he is different, as he has more muscle definition to his physique, as he is 20 or so years younger." -PM
"Some teams of Republic Commandos fighting side by side with Wookiees on Kashyyyk before the major Separatist invasion of that planet in the film happens." -Star Wars: Republic Commando game preview
There will not be any wookiees related to Chewbacca (i.e. "Holiday Special" family) . All wookiees are supporting characters and only Chewbacca has a name. -PH

"The Clone Troopers will again be CG, yet different than seen before." - JK
The clonetrooper designs are not very different from Ep2 but the clones will be doing a lot more in this film and needed customizations to their suits. -RC
The animatics for a scene involving clonetroopers on speeder bikes have been developed. It is up to George whether or not it makes it into the final film. -DG
"We will see lots of great changes like the transformation of clones into stormtroopers, uniforms, etc." - RM
"The clonetroopers will be all CGI and there will be new variations of them that look really cool." - RC
The clonetroopers will have some new markings to match their new designs. - OS
General Ki-Adi-Mundi will lead clonetroopers into battle on a new world. Elements of the scene include Ki stepping off a Republic gunship, charging towards the enemy, and signaling for the clones to follow. - OS
Temuera Morrison is returning as one of the faces of the older Republic clone troopers. Bodie Taylor will also return but as the face of younger versions of Tem. The clone body armor will once again be CG. - OS
Temuera Morrison will do the majority of his filming during pick-up shots in March 2004. - NZ television
Much time was spent in designing new weaponry for both the clone and Separatist armies. We may even see some walkers (predecessors to AT-AT's). -RC
One set is of a hangar bay where we will see the clones. - OS
We will see many land battles and at least one is of the continuing Clone Wars. Ryan thinks it looks cool. -RC
Temuera Morrison will play different clones from different groups and will have most of the speaking parts, attributed to a variety of clone commanders in the script. One notable clone is Commander Cody. Bodi Taylor will also be playing multiple younger clones. All of this will be involved in about 4-5 shots for the scene. -OS
"Some teams of Republic Commandos fighting side by side with Wookiees on Kashyyyk before the major Separatist invasion of that planet in the film happens." -Star Wars: Republic Commando game preview
We will see Commander Cody's face. -PH
The new Insider picture of the colored and camouflaged clones are not all finals. Those are maquettes. Only four have been turned into digital models so far. -PH
There are no clones in Ep3 from any source other than Jango Fett. -PH
In the latest SW Insider there is a page showing a variety of CloneTrooper armor. In the copy, it states that George Lucas' plan is to show the full galactic scope of the Clone Wars in Episode III, with battles happening in many locations. The script and animatics reflect this as well. -PH
Commander Cody is not an ARC Trooper. -PH
No clonetroopers have jetpacks. -PH
There is a fair amount of variation among the clonetrooper ranks in Ep3. -PH
Cody does have lines, as do other Clone Commanders. As to what the size of their final roles in the finished edit will be, it's too soon to tell. -PH
The new clonetroopers have a comforting design (bridging to stormtroopers). -PH
The cover for the latest Insider was a CG trooper. -PH

No rematch between Yoda and Dooku though both will have their own fights. - SW Insider
Christopher Lee shot a pivotal confrontation scene as Count Dooku which will have action and powerful dialogue.
Count Dooku's Ep3 role is brief.
In-between takes, Christopher Lee jokingly "decapitates" Nick Gillard and mentions all the previously movies he filmed when he decapitated a character on-screen. (hint?)
Count Dooku will only use one lightsaber in Ep3. - RM
While much of the Dooku duel requires visual effects work, from what Pablo saw it will be very cool, especially a certain part at the end. -PH

"The scenes for the EU character will not be shot until 2004 and no one has been cast for the part." - RM
"A character from the Clone Wars cartoon will appear in Episode III." - RM
The EU character is not a "major character" and his/her part in the story may change by the time they shoot the character's scenes in March 2004. -PH
For the unknown EU character in Ep3, the costumes will match the pre-determined style and the action this character does in the EU fiction will be different than that action seen in Ep3. The character's costumes will have certain accomodations for these demands. -TB
If Pablo had to venture a guess, he'd say that the EU Character will not be the only EU thing (ship/place, etc) that we will see in Ep3. -PH
The EU character is neither Thrawn nor Xizor. -PH
For EU-is-canon proponents, the inclusion of a certain character, vehicle designs and other concept art created or expanded in literature will add fuel to their arguments. -OS
It is possible the EU character will not make the final cut of the film. While in the script, the sequence is very fluid and may be trimmed. -PH
Some elements have been in the EU but have gone by unnoticed. -PH

Jar Jar Binks wears a new dark maroon outfit. - OS
"Jar Jar's role is smaller than Ep II." - RM
Jar-Jar's senatorial robes are a dark red and violet scheme and cover much of his body. - OS
In the Senate Rotunda scene the Naboo delegation includes Senator Amidala, Captain Typho, Jar-Jar Binks, and Kristy Wright as a handmaiden. The seat next to Amidala is empty, awaiting a guest. - OS
C-3PO will have a scene(s) with Jar-Jar. - AD
Jar-Jar does not die in the film. - RM
Jar-Jar's role in Ep3 is not that important. -PH
Jar Jar has a scene with C-3PO. -AD

Now a Jedi General, Ki will lead clonetroopers into battle on a new world. Elements of the scene include Ki stepping off a Republic gunship, charging towards the enemy, and signaling for the clones to follow. - OS
Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon are not in theJedi Council scene as they are on a mission off-world. We will see their holograms during this scene. -OS
Ki-Adi-Mundi will talk to people via hologram in Ep3. -OS

"...And he's looking forward to the fact that he knows that at the end of the Clone War he gets killed so he gets hopefully a great death scene." - GL
Mace Windu will be wearing the same Jedi robes as in Episode II. Jackson will soon begin lightsaber rehearsals with Nick Gillard. - OS
"Mace Windu will go out in a blaze of glory." - RM
"Mace still has his purple lightsaber." - JK
"Mace Windu's role will be bigger and unforgettable." - RM
A scene on a gunship will include Obi-Wan and Mace and Yoda. - OS
In one scene Mace will be speaking to Yoda via hologram. - OS
A scene will include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Palpatine, Mace, and Bail Organa - as well as a swarm of Senators and planetary representatives, alien and human alike. - OS
In a Jedi Council scene, we will see Mace Windu discussing new assignments with Hayden and Ewan. Yoda, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, and Saesee Tiin are among those present. -OS
"I Finally got my sword fight..."; Samuel L. Jackson said that he finally got to "do that” (use his lightsaber). He said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he "doesn't go out like a punk”. - SLJ
We will see Mace in a certain form of "space action". - RM
It took eight days for Sam to learn a 137 move lightsaber duel. He is the one being attacked in the duel. "It was difficult to learn how to be in a scene being backed up and on defense the whole time". The fight area covered about 400 yards and Sam jumped off steps and various other things. - SLJ
Sam Jackson is happy about the fate of Mace Windu and how it is handled. -SLJ
Mace is not stabbed in the back. "It's full-frontal". -SLJ
One shot shows Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lit by the slotted blinds of Yoda's quarters. This shot will last 8 seconds. -OS
Mace Windu will talk to people via hologram in Ep3. -OS

Genevieve O'Reilly is "perfect" as Mon Mothma. - OS
Mon Mothma's costume will have some similarities to her ROTJ outfit and she will be recognizable. -TB

The design crew worked very hard to make the new bad guy in Ep3 visually distinctive. -RC
"Expect someone serious as the new villain." - RM
The new bad guy has a lot of screen time, a memorable role, and he is central to the plot. -RC
Animatics have done pre-visualization for the new bad guy and "he is one bad mother". -DG
The new bad guy has connections to Darth Sidious. -PH
The "new bad guy" is not referring to Darth Vader. It will be an original, separate villain. -PH
The new bad guy has some electronic alteration done to his voice. - BB
We will get our first look at the new villain in 2004. - PE
The new villain is in the vein of old-style serial villains. Someone who revels in villainry. -PH
The new bad guy did not appear in the original trilogy. -PH
You get just enough from the movies to establish the new villain's role and importance. The EU, of course, will flesh things out with George's blessing. -PH
The new villain has a space ship and will use it. He also has several other modes of transportation. -PH

Nute and Rune Haako will have new hats. - OS
Silas Carson has recorded a number of Nute's lines. - OS
Nute Gunray will communicate with a holographic form while in a grimy control room in the company of all the Separatist leaders. -OS
Nute Gunray will be accompanied by Rune Haako and another aide. -OS
Nute Gunray's part is bigger than Ep2 but smaller than Ep1. -PH

"Fans of Obi-Wan are going to be ecstatic about EpIII." - RM
The classic saber of Ep4 Ben Kenobi will be among the sabers in use. - OS
Ewan McGregor had a lifecast done of his head and hands to allow makeup work for an effect needed early in Ep3. - OS
Ewan's hair will be styled more like a younger version of Alec Guinness. He will wear temple pieces, and they will be graying. Ewan's beard will be neatly trimmed and less bushy, with more sculpting and manicuring into a more goatee shape. - OS
A scene on a gunship scene will include Obi-Wan and Mace and Yoda. - OS
In one scene, Padmé and Obi-Wan will join C-3PO hurrying down a starship ramp to meet Bail Organa at its base. - OS
The major focus is the breakdown in friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin. - SW Insider
A scene will include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Palpatine, Mace, and Bail Organa - as well as a swarm of Senators and planetary representatives, alien and human alike. - OS
One scene shot will include Yoda walking and talking with Obi-Wan and Bail Organa. - OS
There are new Starfighters being built for Anakin and Obi-Wan. - OS
Obi-Wan Kenobi, a fugitive, will find safe haven on an alien planet and in the company of an alien leader played by Bruce Spence. - BS
In one scene, Padmé, Obi-Wan and C-3PO will be "the scene that explains it all" on a vista with moderate winds. - OS
Anakin and Obi-Wan will be in an environment with "extreme wind". - OS
In one scene called a "Lobby" and "Hallway", Anakin and Obi-Wan will be walking down a corridor and will join R2-D-2 at one point. Anakin and Ob-Wan will also be in an "Elevator" scene together. - OS
We will see Anakin and Obi-Wan together on a landing platform on Coruscant. - OS
In a Jedi Council scene, we will see Mace Windu discussing new assignments with Hayden and Ewan. Yoda, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, and Saesee Tiin are among those present. -OS
A bronze/copper R2 unit named R4-G9 will be Obi-Wan's new astro droid for his Jedi Starfighter. - OS
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé are in a scene described as "major" and "grim". - OS
Obi-Wan will swim in a body of water in the film. - OS
R4-P17 will return for scenes with Obi-Wan and will have a body added to the head that was seen in the Ep2 Starfighter. -OS
Obi-Wan will fly in a Jedi Starfighter in Ep2 and the scenes will include him calling to other pilots, describing the battle around him and other reactions. - OS
One scene on a landing platform will include Captain Typho, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO. ILM will add in a digital speeder. - OS
Obi-Wan's new copper/bronze astro droid, R4-G9, will be included on a scene on another landing platform - which is more like a hangar bay. R4-G9 will be in Obi-Wan's starfighter and will not leave the ship, just as R2-P17 didn't in Ep2. - OS
The underwater tank set will feature a scene where Obi-Wan fights with droids. - RM
Obi-Wan and Anakin will have four scenes underwater which won't amount to much screentime. The first scene will involve Obi-Wan tangling with an enemy combatant and will involve close-ups of Obi-Wan. The last scene requires a wave machine and the water will fill a room to its ceiling. The set is lowered into the water to give the illusion of rising water. - OS
In one scene, an out-matched Obi-Wan fights over "Jedi business" and gets "clobbered". - OS
The lightsabers used by Obi-Wan and Anakin are ones we have seen before. - PH
Anakin and Obi-Wan's costumes will have discolorizations, cuts and burns from fighting and from their environment. - OS
The costume for Obi-Wan will have slight changes from the Ep2 look, which are changes to move the costume closer to the Obi-Wan look of Ep4. -TB
The headband worn by Obi-Wan in Ep2 is a "Jedi flight communicator" and will be seen again in Ep3, only it will be a different color. -TB
Early in the film, Anakin and Obi-Wan will wield lightsabers as partners fighting side-by-side, united against a common foe. - OS
Anakin will "save" Obi-Wan at one point during the film. -PH
Obi-Wan's actions in the film are pivotal to what ends the Clone Wars. -PH
Ewan and Hayden are the actors with the most screen time. -PH
At the beginning of the film Anakin and Obi-Wan are still good friends and we will see they have grown even closer since battling in the clone wars together. But Anakin has been building another friendship too... -PH
The reason Obi-Wan changes his name to "Ben" will be seen in the movie but not an explanation as to why he chose "Ben" as the specific name. -PH
Obi-Wan Kenobi will be hurled through the air, hit a wall, and collapse on the ground. -OS
Obi-Wan will enter a rocky cave in an alien wilderness. The cave will have craggy rocks and a circular opening. - OS
Obi-Wan will be seen in a new environment within the Jedi Temple and will fiddle with a high tech piece of equipment and a computer console imbedded inside a pillar. -OS
One scene in another new section of Jedi Temple will feature a conversation between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Yoda will walk across the frame. -OS
Obi-Wan will become "General Kenobi" and the great hero of the Clone Wars. -DG
In one complicated action sequence, Obi-Wan will be on a new planet, fighting opponents and will concentrate on a group of armed thugs looking for a fight. The thugs will be very thin and wearing cloaks. These new baddies are much more of a challenge in a fight than battle droids or Geonosian drones. They will brandish weapons that are quite effective against Jedi. -OS
We will see evidence that Obi-Wan's Jedi skills have improved since Ep2 and he is also noticeably higher up in the Jedi hierarchy. -PH
Obi-Wan is still not fond of flying, and we will see new reasons why he still bemoans it. -PH
Obi-Wan will ride a non-terrestrial animal in a maroon saddle. The animal is very organic, fast, and agile. Obi-Wan is in for a hair-raising ride. -OS
Obi-Wan Kenobi is in Ep3 a lot! -PE
"Obi-Wan has more than 1,000 moves, which are more complicated to learn than dialogue." -NG
"So far, one shot sits by itself in the OMIT pile. Although it was completed, George Lucas cut a 72-frame long reaction shot of Obi-Wan Kenobi which had a relatively simple visual effect in it: a scorch mark painted onto a background wall. -OS
One shot shows Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lit by the slotted blinds of Yoda's quarters. This shot will last 8 seconds. -OS
Obi-Wan watched a holographic image in one scene. -OS

"I've got one day. It's probably going to be a smaller role than last time [in Attack of the Clones]." - JE
Beru Whitesun (Bonnie Piesse) will appear in the film along with Owen. - RM

"I'm going to be with child." - NP
"The children are born." - NP
At the end of the movie, the twins Luke and Leia are less than a month old. - RM
We will see Padmé pregnant in the film. - RM
We will see who was born first, Luke or Leia. - RM
Anakin knows Padme is pregnant and expecting. -PH
Padmé's back to wearing disguises. As well as now hiding this marriage to a Jedi, which is not allowed, she has to hide the fact that she's going to have babies. All of the costumes had to disguise these facts." - Iain McCaig
The challenges with Padmé's costume designs were to create outfits that allowed her to be a senator and still hide the fact that she is pregnant. - TB
Padmé remains the Senator from Naboo. - OS
Padmé is a Senator throughout Ep3. - RM
Padme and Threepio will be in a scene looking out a window of a palace at something spectacular. - OS
In one scene, Padmé and Obi-Wan will join C-3PO hurrying down a starship ramp to meet Bail Organa at its base. - OS
Padmé Amidala will be seen in the "Senate Office Building Main Hall". - OS
In one scene, Padmé, Obi-Wan and C-3PO will be "the scene that explains it all" on a vista with moderate winds. - OS
Narrow pieces of jewelry will become the basis of a larger costume prop for a Padmé headdress. - OS
One scene will be in "Padmé's Apartment" and we will see Padmé, Anakin and C-3PO. - OS
In the Senate Rotunda scene the Naboo delegation includes Senator Amidala, Captain Typho, Jar-Jar Binks, and Kristy Wright as a handmaiden. The seat next to Amidala is empty, awaiting a guest. - OS
Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé are in a scene described as "major" and "grim". - OS
One scene on a landing platform will include Captain Typho, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi and C-3PO. ILM will add in a digital speeder. - OS
Another scene involved C-3PO and Padmé sitting at the controls of a Naboo starship with a cockpit that will resemble the one from the yacht seen in Ep2 when Anakin and Padmé flew to Geonosis. C-3PO will sit down in the scene. - OS
Though Padmé's screen time is less than that of Obi-Wan and Anakin, she will still have an important role and a fair amount of screen time. -PH
Given the nature of the involvement of Padme's family in Ep3, Pablo would be very surprised if their scenes were cut. -PH
"Padmé will not sit around all day, but she doesn't exactly wrestle a Nexu either." (regarding any action scenes) - PH
"Senator Bana Breemu helps put Padmé's mind at peace when she's in trouble." -Bai Ling There are references to love (Anakin & Padme) in Ep3. -PH
Leia's recollections as described in Return of the Jedi have no inherent flaws and are valid given the greater context of the saga. But I suspect those looking for contradictions always find them. -PH

"We will see more interaction between Anakin and Palpatine." - RM
Palpatine has several scenes with Anakin. -PH
"We will see the emperor and/or Anakin make use of the dark side of the force with lightning, chokes and more." - RM
We will definitely see Palpatine/Sidious use an "awesome display of the dark side of the force". - RM
Much of Palpatine's plan will be revealed in Ep3. - OS
Palpatine discusses a new assignment to Anakin in a scene in the Chancellor's office. - OS
One scene will be a Coruscant theater which will feature tiers of viewing boxes and an elaborate stage show for entertainment yet to be determined. Palpatine will be in this scene and a clue is that the show may be "refined and sophisticated". Palpatine will be seated, awaiting a guest. He will by joined by his aides Sly Moore and Mas Amedda and a pair of red robed guards. - OS
Palpatine and his entourage will be watching some performance art (Coruscant Theater) at one point in the film. The art will be created by ILM. -PH
The Coruscant theater scene with Palpatine will not be intercut with other sequences. -PH
A scene will feature Palpatine, Mas Amedda, and four red-robed guards in which they depart in a large shuttle. - OS
A scene will include Obi-Wan, Anakin, Palpatine, Mace, and Bail Organa - as well as a swarm of Senators and planetary representatives, alien and human alike. - OS
Palpatine discusses a new assignment to Anakin in the Chancellor's Office. - OS
The Senate Rotunda scene will include Chancellor Palpatine, Sly Moore and Mas Amedda in their familiar positions on the Chancellor's podium. - OS
C-3PO has scene(s) with Palpatine in Ep3. - AD
Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine) has a much larger and important role in Episode III (for obvious reasons). - OS
When asked if he had a favorite character in Ep3, Rick stated that he thought Palpatine was fantastic. - RM
The most often-quoted line on set is one spoken by Palpatine, which is cool and will likely make many a person's email signature. - PH
In Pablo's opinion, the most dramatic scene of shooting he has witnessed so far was the day Palpatine delivered a riveting performance, and the entire crew applauded because it was so well done. - PH
Regarding Ian's intensity in playing Palpatine in Ep3, "Ian doesn't hold anything back." - PH
Jimmy Smits and Ian McDiarmid seemed to be the actors that enjoyed wearing their costumes the most. Both have many more costumes than previous films and a number of costumes that could almost match Padmé's wardrobe in size. - TB
Palatine has more than one look/style of appearance in the film. -PH
Overall, Palpatine has much more screen time than Sidious. But Sidious will have much more screen time than seen in Ep2. -PH
Darth Sidious will remove his hood.-PH
Darth Sidious communicates with one of his evil henchmen via hologram. -OS
"You'd imagine that my character has been rather deskbound in the past but this time he will get to take part in the action. I can't give the story away as George Lucas would kill me but I have been engaged in far more physical activities than any of the other films. I have found myself sliding down chutes at speed and landing on heaps of rubber, it's been a completely new experience for me. I haven't had to go down the gym to get fit for the scenes but I did need a few rehearsals to get up to speed. Most of my scenes have been with Anakin Skywalker who eventually becomes Darth Vader." - IM
Darth Sidious uses his lightsaber. -NG
Darth Sidious will talk to people via hologram in Ep3. -OS
Ep3 will explain how and why Palpatine looks the way he does in ROTJ and why he did not look like that in Ep1 & 2. -PH
Sidious gets his hands dirty in this one. -PH
Darth Sidious has much more screentime in Ep3 than he did in Ep2. -PH

"Artoo will still have his jet rockets." - JK
"Well, one, his brains have, his memory system has been erased and so has R2's. So, they don't remember anything from the first trilogy. I'm telling you something from Episode III, but I shouldn't be telling you that, but I think most of the fans already know that." - GL
"Their memories will be erased at the end of EpIII." - GL
R2 and 3PO will be in a scene going down a starship ramp where Padmé, Obi-Wan and C-3PO meet Bail Organa at its base. - OS
In one scene called a "Lobby" and "Hallway", Anakin and Obi-Wan will be walking down a corridor and will join R2-D2 at one point. - OS
It looks like there will be more digital R2-D2 in Ep3 than Kenny Baker acting/working R2. - DB
There is not likely a need for the "sand-R2" which is modified to operate in a sandy environment (Tatooine). - DB
We will see new types of rescues by R2-D2 and new "environmental situations". - DB
R2 will likely have a larger role in Ep3 than he did in Ep2. - DB
R2 will be flying in the back of a small fighter ship similar to how he did with Luke and young Anakin. This scene(s) will include ships fighting a la X-Wings and TIE's. - DB
R2 will see and be present for at least one lightsaber duel. - DB
R2 and 3PO's relationship "deepens and blossoms". - DB
R2 will see his fair share of peril. - DB
R2-D2 will have a scene where he pulls something heavy. - OS
R2 will have a scene when he will debark from a newly-designed Jedi starfighter. - OS
As dark as Ep3 will be, we will still see classic humorous scenes between C-3PO and R2-D2. - AD
Artoo will probably get a few laughs in one particular sequence. -PH
Both C-3P0 and R2-D2's significance is about the same as it was in Empire, with a little less for Threepio and a little more for Artoo. -PH

No rematch between Yoda and Dooku though both will have their own fights. - SW Insider
"Yoda will be seen in action sequences again." - RC
Yoda has a scene on a gunship with Mace and Obi-Wan. - OS
Yoda has a scene where he will receive a hologram message from Mace. - OS
Scenes of Yoda will include his private quarters, as seen in Ep2. - OS
One scene will include Yoda walking and talking with Obi-Wan and Bail Organa. - OS
In a Jedi Council scene, we will see Mace Windu discussing new assignments with Hayden and Ewan. Yoda, Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, and Saesee Tiin are among those present. -OS
Yoda will be in a scene with Bail Organa in a conference room that features blinking lights and buttons that hark back to the OT settings. The scene is all dialogue and the characters are discussing crucial events of the galaxy.
We will see Yoda fighting again. - RM
One scene in another new section of Jedi Temple will feature a conversation between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Yoda will walk across the frame. -OS
Yoda will be featured in a spectacular action sequence. -DG
Yoda went to Dagobah to hide. -PE
One shot shows Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lit by the slotted blinds of Yoda's quarters. This shot will last 8 seconds. -OS
There is no Dagobah cave explanation or involvement in Ep3. It served its purpose in Ep5. -PH
George likes some things to be left open to interpretation, or mystery -- don't ever expect to find out Yoda's species or homeworld. -PH

The classic saber of Ep4 Ben Kenobi will be among the sabers in use. - OS
The major focus is the breakdown in friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin. - SW Insider
It won't be the special effects that make the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel so thrilling, it will be the betrayal. - RM
The lightsabers used by Obi-Wan and Anakin are ones we have seen before. - PH
The Anakin/Kenobi duel is a lengthy one and will span many sets and travel a lot of distance. - OS
One of the several settings for the duel with have red-gelled lights providing a glow to the set. - OS
The duel will be a fierce confrontation and will keep up the pace for a while. Some of the fighting will take place on an incline...and "Anakin is weak on a slope", as Nick Gillard pointed out in his webchat and meant it literally. - OS
Anakin and Obi-Wan's costumes will have discolorizations, cuts and burns from fighting and from their environment. - OS
Who is the aggressor and who is the defender will alternate during the duel. - OS
In one setting for the duel, Obi-Wan and Anakin will move over a large area but will careful of their footing. There will be "obstacles". - OS
At one point in the duel, Anakin and Obi-Wan will look off-screen at a distraction. Their eyes will be looking at different spots of this distraction itself. - OS
The duel will have a segment in a darkened room with a metallic surface with mechanical structures. And later the duel will move to isolated platforms. Anakin will circle his former master (Obi-Wan). -OS
During one point in the duel, either Anakin or Obi-Wan will swipe his lightsaber blade against an outcropping and sever it. -OS
The duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan is not a gentleman's duel. It will get nasty. -PH
During the duel there will be a segment when Anakin and Obi-Wan dangle from cables, swinging to and fro. The wires being used are supposed to be visible The Jedi will be wearing the "weathered and beaten" robes. -OS
At one point during the duel, debris will fall and one the characters will deflect it (likely with a lightsaber). -OS
Some of the words spoken during the duel "will cut as deeply as lightsabers". -OS
At one point during the duel, it will involve four characters. -OS
"The Epic duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan will be the longest lightsaber duel ever." - NG
"The duel involves some of the fastest dueling I have ever seen. It almost appears artificially sped-up. It's just that fast." - PH
There are parts of the duel when Anakin and Obi-Wan move even faster than the Maul/Obi-Wan duel in Ep1. -PH
Red-gel lighting provides atmosphere for the duel scenes. There are also flashes from strobe lights going off to signify an alert to some kind of hazard. -OS
Anakin and Obi-Wan will push their weapons into counter-tops and control panels and the FX Dept ignited squibs that burst to fill the frame and cover the actors with bright sparks and debris. -OS
The fight involves leaps and throws at an accelerated rate. -OS
Obi-Wan and Anakin have a moment where they collide with a control panel and land hard against a rough surface. The control panels and display screens have many unyielding protrusions. -OS
One huge wall has a very thick blast door rigged which is opened by chains. One character will open it using muscle power. - OS
Knowing what happens in Ep3 makes Paul see the classic trilogy in a new light. He specifically mentioned how he has a new understanding of the depth of friendship between Anakin and Obi-Wan. He now gets a lump in his throat when Vader strikes down Kenobi in Ep4. -PE
"The final fight sequence in this film should surpass any fight sequence that has been put on film so far. It’s the longest, I can’t give you specifics, but it is quite the bad-assed fight scene. Nick Gilliard has done an amazing job instilling an arc of story in the fight. It justifies, because you know Anakin and Obi-Wan have it out, but Anakin is the chosen one-he is supposed to be the best. But he comes out on the shorter end of the stick in the fight. It justifies it really nicely as the fight progresses." - HC
The Anakin/Obi-Wan duel is very fast, similar to the speed of the Obi-Wan/Darth Maul duel. -NG
"The climactic fight scene is, at 12 minutes, the longest fight scene in cinema history." -NG
The Anakin/Obi-Wan fight will be the longest SW fight ever. It is currently edited at 10-12 minutes. -NG
"I saw a pretty amazing fight scene between Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen. It's pretty sick. They did it all themselves. They were thinking of having stuntmen do it, but they were better than the stuntmen. It's pretty awesome." -NP
Obi-Wan of course defeats Anakin in Ep3, but winning one fight does not necessarily make one the best at it. -NG
As it stands now, the final duel will not be intercut with other action sequences, though that is subject to change. -NG
"Geographically, the duel covers the most distance of any other swordfight on film. And depending on the way they cut it, it should be the longest swordfight, timewise, that's ever been on film." - HC
As scripted, the final duel exhausts almost the entirety of the Jedi bag of tricks. -PH
There will be some dialogue during the duel. It is far more chattier than the Ep5 duel. -PH

"...the third film is very, very, very dark. It's not a happy movie by any stretch of the imagination. It's a tragedy. Ultimately the final story is between Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin and the Padmé. It's really their story. Those four characters." - GL
"It still has to reach out to a specific audience, but it will be substantially darker than the previous films." - HC
"It's very dark and Shakespearean...and adult, and more violent than a Star Wars movie used to be." -SLJ
"Episode III will 'surprise, amaze and shock.' It will be the darkest of the six saga films it will tie the series together in 'unexpected and surprising' ways." - Sansweet
"Episode III is the last one, so no-holds barred now." - RM
"Armageddon will take place." - C2
The major focus is the breakdown in friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin. - SW Insider
"You won't be disappointed in the script." - DB
"The script will bridge all gaps between the PT and he OT". - AD
"The story of Ep3 will be enjoyable as the conclusion of the saga. It is dramatic, believable, frightening, sad, moving, hurtful, and human. It is the missing key to a story fans have admired and remembered for so long". - AD
"It's a much more grownup film, with more attention on the characters and less on big monsters. The movie deals with people being nasty to each other and is much darker." -AD
"In one word, Ep3 is 'awesome'". - AD
Ep3 will have the same emotional depth as ESB. - RM
The story will move much quicker than the previous films. - RM
Ep3 is a "2-hour turn to the dark side". - RM
Pablo has a hard time believing some of the imagery will get a PG rating. Nothing is too over the top but in today's MPAA standards, some scenes are intense. -PH
There are some elements of the movie that push the limits of a PG rating but it is too early to tell what the final film will be or how it might be rated. -DG
Nick thinks it is possible for Ep3 to have a PG rating. -NG
Ep3 will be the largest of the StarWars films and will be the "shining point" of the prequel trilogy. - PH
Pablo knows the opening scroll text as it is in the script. The opening scroll will be important in Ep3 as it is in media res like ANH. -PH
While the feel of the movie is bridging the prequels and the Classic Trilogy together, Ep3 is also meant to contrast with them. -RC
Visually speaking, Ep3 will certainly be the best Star Wars film to cross the screen. -RC
In terms of scale and scope, the opening space battle of Ep3 is bigger than anything we have seen before. -DG
Overall, Ep3 is more action-oriented but will still have its fair share of quiet, character-driven scenes. -DG
In one word Ep3 is "dark". -DG
Ep3 will answer many (if not all) questions, and will merge seamlessly with Ep4. -PE
Many old ideas and lore from previous Star Wars films were re-examined for their inclusion in Ep3. Some of these ideas will be incorporated into the film as intended from the start, some ideas will be modified from their original conception for the film, and some material will be cut and not make it into the film at all. The lava planet fits into one of those three categories. - PE
"From a certain point of view", nothing said in Ep3 will contradict anything said in Ep4. -PE
"Episode 3 will be excellent." -PM
EIII will make you go back and look at EI and EII in new and different ways. There are small clues and hints in TPM and AotC that we may not have paid attention to, but which will become more important once we see EIII. -PH
"Ep3 takes place 3 years or so after Ep II." - GL
"Will we get to see an epic space battle right at the beginning of the movie." - RM
"When Episode III opens in May 2005, the Clone Wars will be just finishing as the film opens. The Clone Wars last for three years." - LFL Rep
"The Clone Wars would end at the beginning of the film, and it would then become very small and personal." -GL
The timespan covered over the course of Ep3 is similar to that of the other films. -PH
Expect the novelization about a month before the film comes out, as happened with episodes I and II. -PH
Color & Theme
"The look of the third prequel will definitely be closer to that of the original films." - RM
Color and darkness will be emphasized in the film. - SW Insider
There will be new costume styles. Some will be moving towards the Classic Trilogy style and others will be unique as they are worn by new characters on new worlds. - TB
Some costumes seen in Ep1 and Ep2 will be seen again in Ep3. -TB
We will see at least two sunsets in the film. -PH
In addition to 70's style themes, there are plenty of "blinking lights" to merge the PT into the Classic Trilogy. -PH
Much time was spent in designing new weaponry for both the clone and Separatist armies. We may even see some walkers (predecessors to AT-AT's). -RC
The designs for the new worlds are brand new concepts that George wanted to explore, and they may not all be necessarily "Star Wars-like". -RC
Spanish art neauvau and 1940s futurist / art deco were some of the design influences used for the Ep3 concept work. -RC
We will see both the "used universe" design style common in the Classic Trilogy as well as the sleek, "pretty" environments seen so far in the prequels. -RC
Some of the new environments have sophisticated cultures that are hard to categorize because they don't really fit with being "used universe" or "pretty". -RC
During pre-production, George presented the design crew with some art work by Mark Rothko and asked that some of those influences be captured for the film. -RC
For the new planet designs, some historical sources were researched and integrated, but most new worlds are focused on being as unique and fresh as possible. -RC
Some of the old Ralph McQuarrie images were incorporated into Ep3. At the start of designing, George pointed out certain designs he definitely wanted to see in the film. -RC
There will be ship sounds that are precursors to the TIE-Fighter sounds. -BB
The current color range for lightsabers is still blue, green, purple (for Mace) and red. -PH
The color of a prop lightsaber used during shooting has NOTHING to do with its final color on film. It is only given a color to contrast enough with the bluecrseen or greenscreen backgrounds for later effects. -PH
Plot Points
The disappearing Jedi issue will be resolved in EP3. - GL
The Jedi who has been hiding Kamino from the Jedi will be revealed in Ep3. - GL
The character who ordered the clones was seen onscreen in Ep2. -PH
The Jedi who ordered the clone army will be revealed in Ep3. - GL
Ep3 will provide the answers the fans have been waiting for, but may also pose some new questions. - RM
The last ten minutes of the film will be "a dream come true" for all fans. - RM
The last 10 minutes of the film will definitely pull some emotions. -DG
The last 10 minutes of the film keeps with the traditional endings of Star Wars films, but since we know the futures of the characters and the locations we will see glimpses of, the ending will have more of an impact than usual. -PH
The "no disintegrations" line will not be explained in Ep3. -PH
The "force ghost" theory will be explained. -PH
We will not see any Jedi spirits in Ep3, but it will be explained why some Jedi have the ability to appear as spirits and others do not. -PH
We will not see the Jedi Trials in the film. -PH
There will not be any grand surprises but we will have a sense of familiarity with how the story of Ep3 unfolds. What surprises there are will revolve around the new locations, characters and elements that no one had predicted. For the prequels, the big surprise was when we learned in Ep1 that Darth Vader was once an innocent little kid. -PH
The Dagobah cave was explained in Ep5 and will not need further explanation in Ep3. -PH
In one specific case, a hero will disguise themselves to avoid their enemy. -PH
The Tusken Slaughter is mentioned in Ep3. -PH
Qui-Gon Jinn is not forgotten in Ep3, especially by those closest to him. -PH
Shmi Skywalker is mentioned in Ep3. -PH
Ep3 is pretty much Republic vs. Separatists, Jedi vs. Sith, with some cultural ambiguities, but no distinct factions of note. And the underworld (bounty hunters or Jabba's syndicate) does not factor into this story. -PH
Leia's recollections as described in Return of the Jedi have no inherent flaws and are valid given the greater context of the saga. But I suspect those looking for contradictions always find them. -PH
"There are lots of new ship designs." - RM
"We will get to see OT Starships in Episode III." - GB
"We will see the next step in evolution of the Republic ship to the Imperial ships." - JK
"We will see many new worlds." - RM
"There's more planets in Ep3 than any previous SW film." - JK
"There will be new Starfighters for the rest of the Jedi. The new starfighters will have new weapons and fight in big battles." - GB
The Jedi Starfighters have a gray undercoat, but there's a specific hue to them keyed to their pilot. At least two Jedi Council members will be seen behind the stick. -PH
There are some very interesting new starfighter designs making their debut in Episode III. -PH
We will see Neimoidian pilots.- OS
We will see scenes on the bridge of the Trade Federation capital ship. - OS
The newly designed Jedi starfighter will now feature bold, aggressive lines further bridging the gap between ship designs from the prequels to the classic trilogy. The ship will feature designs and functions first seen in the toy version of the previous Jedi starfighter but were not used in the film itself (Ep2). - OS
The new Jedi starfighter is designed with a removable cockpit. - OS
The differences in the Jedi Starfighters is mostly cosmetic, but you'll be able to tell who is who. -PH
The Trade federation Cruiser will be a new design. Pablo is unsure on how large the ship will be on film but he expects it to be larger than the Republic Cruisers. -PH
We will see prototype TIE Fighters. -RC
We will see evidence of Rebel Alliance ships. -RC
The new Federation Cruiser is a large and aggressive warship. It will look "slightly familiar". -RC
You will see distinct capital ship and starfighter evolutions, and in some cases, finished product, but I won't get more specific than that. Not yet, anyhow. -PH
The Jedi Starfighter is not the same design seen in Ep2. -RC
Ryan designed the prototype for the X-Wing. -RC
It is doubtful we will see Dooku's Solar Sailor ship in Ep3. -RC
We will see some brand new vehicle designs. The Art Dept had to move forward from the Ep2 designs and moved in the direction of merging with Ep4. -DG
There is one speeder that has a very detailed name in the script. -PH
We will see huge fleets of starships. -DG
There are no scenes in which N1 Starfighters are scripted. But Pablo can think of one scene where they may be added. -PH
"George has definitely answered a lot of the questions that people had over the years about how this particular thing happened or why this person is this way, you know...who is connected to this and who is connected to that." -SLJ
There will be some new and old capital warships seen in the opening space battle. -PH
"There are a few scenes you will go nuts over." - GB
The last 3 pages of the script gave Rob Coleman goosebumps.
There is a sequence in Ep3 that makes Rob Coleman think "this is what I always wanted to see in the prequels".
Page 7, word twelve of the script is "trench". - JK
One scene will have an event that will cause glass to be shattered and scattered on the floor. - OS
We will hear classic camp Star Wars dialogue, similar to classic lines such as "foul stench" or "we meet again...". - OS
The Coruscant theater scene with Palpatine will not be intercut with other sequences. -PH
Scenes in a stretch of a Trade Federation starship corridor which includes steam, smoke, and shadows which will evoke the air of menace - at least in the final frames of the scene (or film). - OS
During the Anakin vs Obi-Wan duel there will be heavy winds in at least one setting. - OS
There will be a few tender moments of romance in the film. -PH
About 1/3 of the action sequences in the film will occur on the new planets where will we also see the most visually spectacular sequences. -RC
The reason the space battle in Ep3 will be bigger and more challenging than the ROTJ space battle is because this new space battle will be a journey and not a single event. -DG
The film will open with a thrilling space battle that pits the forces of the Republic against the battleships of the Separatists. -OS
The space battle that starts Episode III is long enough and complicated enough to be subdivided into four scenes for organizational purposes. -OS
The space battle covers the first 20 minutes of the film. -RB
The length of the opening shot, after the crawl has finished, to the first cut, will be around 3,768 frames in length. This works out at 157 seconds or 2 minutes 37 seconds long. It's purpose is to draw you into the action. -Homing Beacon / PH
The first 20 minutes is not all space battle. But the battle does kick off the first 20 minutes before moving into further action-packed territory. -PH
The opening space battle sequence includes starfighter trajectories, swarm of ships and aerobatic maneuvers. After the opening crawl of text the camera will move towards the warships, and its clear we're joining a battle already in progress. Geometry plays a vital role in determining allegiances in this space battle. As the camera dives between capital ships, it's easy to become disoriented. The Republic craft are the rectilinear wedge ships of the original trilogy. The Separatist vessels are more ovoid in shape, with smoother lines and reclined angles. The most familiar vessels amid the Separatist flotilla are the Trade Federation battleships, or the "donut ships" as they are affectionately called. Returning spacecraft, like the donut ships and vulture fighters, are getting a paintjob makeover, with colors and insignia further differentiating them from the Republic craft. We will see a missile with a specialized payload fly across the screen with flapping or fluttering wings. There will also be a different, new kind of missile shoot out from one of the Republic cruiser launch bays.
The Ep III space battle is definitely more dynamic, intense, and adrenaline-charged than the EP VI one, and has a more complicated design, more challenging shots, and benefits from having clear characters to follow as it progresses. I don't think those who are itching for a big space battle in Episode III will be disappointed. -PH
There's more variety of different types of ships in the Ep III space battle, but I'm not sure about the final numbers. The Episode VI battle will always have a certain greater dramatic impact, since it *is* the final battle of the series. -PH
The subsequent action scenes after the opening space battle, at any scale, areground-based, but there is air support, so there's still aerial action, even if it's not in the cold of space. -PH
The leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) will gather into a grimy and shopworn control room. -OS
One shot shows Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi lit by the slotted blinds of Yoda's quarters. This shot will last 8 seconds.
There were no multiple endings shot during principal photography. Everything pretty much went as to script, with variations in timing and performance. If something is decided to be changed it will happen during re-shoots. -PH
There may be some things that would be potentially controversial and some people may find offensive. -PH
There are no cantinas in Ep3. The most social scenes like that were in Ep2. Ep3 does have a bit of that, but nothing like a cantina. -PH
There are definitely scenes of large, elaborate scale in this movie, but the intriguing curveball of Episode III in this era of epic battle scenes is that the most impactful fight scene (to me anyway) involves just two combatants. -PH
If the Raider slaughter bothered you, then prepare for worse. -PH
Will we not see a lightsaber work underwater. -PH
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"We will see a number of sets and environments returning from the OT." - GB
There will be quite aq few new unheard of worlds in Episode 3. -PH
One of the planets could be described as a "mountain" planet, but not overwhelmingly so. -PH
There will be some montage style shots, where we will see see some scenes in fairly quick succession panning out over several worlds, which is why the confirmed number of planets and their design keeps vascillating. -PH
Most the new planets are brand new ones to the saga. -PH
"We will be seeing more of Coruscant." - JK
Due to the Clone Wars, the round Jedi Council room now has visible scuff marks and wear. The chairs of the Jedi Council are marked and torn, being visual cues that things have been chaotic and difficult these past 3 years. - OS
"Tatooine will tie everything together in Ep3." - RM
One of the sets is the Trade Federation capital ship where we will see many action-related sequences. - OS
The largest stage was used for Padmé's apartment and the Trade Federation cruiser bridge. - OS
One set is of a hangar bay where we will see the clones. - OS
One shooting stage was used to create a pillared verandah, the elevator lobby, and the Jedi Temple interior that had that long staircase in it.
Visually, Ep3 is the most ambitious film yet due to all the number of new planets. - RM
A new alien planet will feature a landing platforms and breezy winds. The architecture of the planet is curved and ribbed and gives the environment an alien feel. The planet will be primarily digitally created since it is unlike any earthly environment where location shooting could help. - OS
Naboo does not get destroyed in Ep3. -PH
Geonosis will not be seen in Ep3. -PH
Kamino will not be seen in Ep3. -PH
Dantooine will not be seen in Ep3. -PH
The scenes scheduled for March 2004 are less than a dozen and "aren't any more seismic in their revelations". -OS
The windy environment in Ep3 is a concept in which Ralph McQuarrie had done previous designs. George decided to re-visit the idea and give it a fresh pass. -RC
To avoid repetition, the design crew has developed a new look for the outer space locations. -RC
Most of the Coruscant designs will expand on previously seen locations. There are a few new locations on Coruscant we will see - and one in particular that Ryan thinks is really cool. -RC
We will see a new location on Naboo. -RC
There is an entirely new digital environment that will be bigger than anything seen in any Star Wars film and will be very challenging for ILM. -DG
One of the Original Trilogy locations has sunken crew pits, hand rails, control panels, personal computers, and viewports. Letters on the controls read "DEFLECTOR SHIELDS", "REACTOR STATUS", and "REBEL SCUM DETECTOR", "VADER PROXMITY DETECTOR", "Coast Clear. Goof Off", and "He's behind you. Look busy." - OS
Scenes include Palpatine's office, the Jedi Temple, Padmé's apartment and Padmé's verandah. New angles and changes in Coruscant's skyline necessitate new views of the returning locales. -OS
There is no Dagobah cave explanation or involvement in Ep3. It served its purpose in Ep5. -PH
That warehouse district (Sidious's lair) from Ep2 does not return for Ep3. -PH
There are no cantinas in Ep3. The most social scenes like that were in Ep2. Ep3 does have a bit of that, but nothing like a cantina. -PH
Other Character Info
"We will some new, even bigger monsters/creatures." - RC
"All the characters are moving to the way we first saw them in the Original Trilogy as far as look." - RM
In regards to new aliens and designs, the Art Dept out-did themselves and we will see a lot of cool stuff. -DG
One character is young, but not an infant. The character is brand new to the Star Wars story. -PH
We will see more of the younglings. -PH
We will see some cool new designs on medical droids. -RC
We will see additional R2 astromech droids in Ep3. - DB
One of the skipped droid designs from Episode II is slated to make a return for Ep3. -PH
It is doubtful that IG-88 style droids are in Ep3. -PH
There will be new and unique droids in Ep3. - DB
A bronze/copper astro droid will be Obi-Wan's R2 unit in his Jedi starfighter during the film. - OS
R4-P17 will return for scenes with Obi-Wan and will have a body added to the head seen in the Ep2 Starfighter. - OS
Plo Koon will have a brief appearance in Episode III, but the script requires very specific actions for him. - OS
Plo Koon and other Jedi will fly Jedi Starfighters. - OS
Plo does have scripted dialogue in Episode III, but there is no guarantee that it'll remain in the finished film. - OS
Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon are not in theJedi Council scene as they are on a mission off-world. We will see their holograms during this scene. -OS
In the script, some of the non-main Jedi have dialogue, even Plo Koon. But it remains to be seen whether their lines will make the final cut of the film. -PH
The fate of the younglings will be explained. -PH
Keisha Castle-Hughes will play the new 14yr old queen of Naboo. -OS
"Boba will be in Episode III, but his role definitely won’t be larger. He’s in a transition period of becoming a bounty hunter. The next film takes place two or three years later, so Boba would only be 13 and still wouldn’t fit in the suit." - GL
Daniel Logan's appearance on the set as seen on the webcam was just a social visit. -PH
Beru Whitesun (Bonnie Piesse) will appear in the film along with Owen. - RM
We will see wookiees in action and "it is something to see". -DG
At the end of the movie, the twins Luke and Leia are less than a month old. - RM
The infant twins will be bundled (wrapped in clothing). -PH
We will see who was born first, Luke or Leia. - RM
The infant twins are human babies and not CGI. - PE
One character is known as "Fire Ship Pilot" and will have one line of dialogue in the cockpit of a ship. - OS
The fire ship captain will be seen flying a fire ship and puts out a fire on Coruscant. The fire ships are the fire department. -RC
"Wat Tambor is back, and "badder" than ever

Wat Tambor's role is about the size of his role in Episode II. -PH
Sly Moore returns but has no lines. -PH
The intent is for Oliver Ford Davies (Sio Bibble) to return. -PH
There are several new creatures in Episode III, some helpful, some dangerous. Though I will say, the helpful ones outnumber the dangerous ones. -PH
The Mon Calamari character's costume is completely different than the one seen ROTJ and "It looks great". - TB
The Mon Calamari character has no lines. -PH
Tears will be shed by at least one character. -PH
Nick Gillard's Jedi character cameo in the film is appropriate, given all of Nick's work on the prequels so far. The character will have a suitable name as well. -PH
Nick's cameo Jedi character has long hair and will be seen facing off against Anakin. -NG
Nick's Jedi character cameo is only a few seconds. -NG
Nick's Jedi character's name is "Cin Drallig", his real name spelled backwards. -NG
Nick's Jedi character does not have a yellow lightsaber and he does not fight with more than one saber. -PH
I fully expect there to be CG Jedi. Pablo-Jill may possibly return. I don't know of any plans yet for other alien types, but since a CG-Jedi would entirely be a product of post-production, it's still quite possible we'll see new designs. -PH
The character who speaks the classic line, "I have a bad feeling about this" is one that has not spoken the line before. -PH
Dominique Chionchio and Gervais Koffi will play Jedi in EP3. -PH
Returning Jedi not already mentioned include Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Shaak Ti, Bultar Swan, Stass Allie, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar and Kit Fisto.
We will see Rodians in Ep3, specifically Dar Wac, Palpatine's aide from Ep2. -PH
Sola, Pooja, Jobal, and Ryoo Naberrie will return for Ep3. -OS
Given the nature of the involvement of Padme's family in Ep3, Pablo would be very surprised if their scenes were cut. -PH
Holly Stringer, Chantal Freer (Ellé), and Kristy Wright (Moteé) play three of the ten handmaidens. - OS
Blue Senate guards will return and will be seen on Naboo. They will be carrying silvery rifles at their sides in expressionless military form. - OS
Red Guards will return. -PH
Naboo security guards are in the film - OS
You definitely get a sense that there are distinct groups of Senators pursuing various agendas in Episode III. -PH
Rune Haako will return but has only one line. - OS
It appears Senator Lott Dodd will return for Ep3. -PH
Olive Levi plays senator Fema Baab. -OS
Masa Yamaguchi will play a Senator with a non-speaking part. -PH
Senators Ask Aak and Passel Argente will return. -OS
Orn-Free-Taa will return. -OS
I don't believe Orn Free Taa has any lines of dialogue. -PH.
Christian Bale, Ralph Fiennes, and Peter Wingfield are confirmed as not playing Tarkin nor having anything to do with Ep3. -PH
Rohan Nichol will play a starship captain. -PH
Rohan Nichol is not playing Captain Wilhuf Tarkin. -PH
Senator Po Nudo and his aide, Passel Argente and his aide Denaria Kee, Senator Tundra Dowmeia, Poggle the Lesser, Wat Tambor, Shu Mai and San Hill will all return as the Separatist leadership. -OS
Passel Argente will not have any lines in the film, but he will have a new look and will have on-screen closure to the character. Passel's aide Denaria Kee will also be seen in the film. -PH
Rena Owen (Taun We from Ep2) will play a senator. - Rena Owen
Bai Ling plays senator "Bana Breemu" and says she has a cool part and that we will be surprised by it - Bai Ling
"Senator Bana Breemu helps put Padmé's mind at peace when she's in trouble." -Bai Ling
Christopher Kirby plays senator "Giddean Danu". The character has an "amazing and immaculate costume" and he has lines in the film. - Chris Kirby
Warren Owens plays senator Fang Zar and is part of the rebel alliance. One of the unique characteristics of the role will be his voice. - Warren Owens
Tundra Dowmeia will return and is played by Jeremy Prestoe. There is also another Quarren official played by Luke Hinksman who has yet to be named. -PH
Jocasta Nu is not in Ep3. -PH
There are no Bothans in Ep3. -PH
Bossk is not in Ep3. -PH
Mandalorians are not in Ep3. -PH
Senator Garm Bel Iblis is not in Ep3. -PH
We will not see ARC Troopers from the Clone Wars cartoon. -PH
A young Han Solo is not in Ep3. -PH
Aurra Sing is not likely to appear in Ep3. -PH
No Corran Horn family characters are in Ep3. -PH
Cliegg Lars will not return for Ep3. -PH
I don't believe there are any Gungans in Ep3 other than Jar-Jar. -PH
Ackbar does not command a fleet in battle. -PH
Watto will not be in Ep3. -JK
Jabba the Hutt is not in Ep3. -PH
There are no Kaminoans in Ep3. - PH
The bug-faced aliens seen with Asajj Ventress in the latest SW Republic comic are not in Ep3. -PH
There are no albino Jedi in Ep3 -PH
There are no Sullustans in Episode III. -PH
There are no Sith or Jedi Holocrons in Ep3. -PH
There are no new female villains in Ep3. -PH
We will not see any more characters of Yoda's species. -RC
We will not see any further changeling characters such as Zam Wesell. -PH
"Ep III definitively has the most lightsaber action of any Star Wars film." - RM
"The battles will be on an even larger scale." - RM
"We will see some glorious death scenes." - RM
"No rematch between Yoda and Dooku though both will have their own fights." - SW Insider
"The new fights are going to be amazing." - RC
"Some of the fights are incredibly huge." - RC
"There will be many intense fights." - NG
"Yoda will be seen in action sequences again." - RC
"There are going to be new styles of lightsaber fighting. Deconstructing the current Jedi style." - NG
"There's no question that we'll see Saber duels in Episode III that will definitely top the Obi-Wan / Maul duel." - NG
"We will see at least one character we've never seen fight before with a lightsaber, do so in Episode III. Also expect a new style from this or these characters too." - NG
"Anakin will cover just about every fighting style in Episode III." - NG
"Many limbs will be lost in Episode III." - NG
"The Epic duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan will be the longest lightsaber duel ever." - NG
"Female Jedi will fight in Episode III." - NG
We will see the younglings fighting, which will include Rick McCallum's daughter (Mousy McCallum)'s Jedi character. -NG
"Anakin is vulnerable on a slope." - NG
"There will be some spectacular battles." - JK
"The skills of the actors involved is awesome and the drama was real. Even without the music being added, the scenes are thrilling and frightening." - AD
The opening battle is entirely in space, but there will be land battles in the film. - RM
One character in the film will use two lightsabers at once "and he's bad." - RM
We will see female Jedi fighting in Ep3. - RM
So far no new styles of lightsabers, but we will see new styles of lightsaber combat. -PH
We will see many land battles and at least one is of the continuing Clone Wars. Ryan thinks it looks cool. -RC
The different fights involving Yoda, Dooku, Mace, and Palpatine (not necessarily linked to one another) are all very interesting and one in particular is "really cool." - DG
If the Jedi that die in the film are "real Jedi" then they will take some clones with them. -DG
A lot of people in Ep3 will be hit with a lightsaber the way Obi-Wan was hit in Ep2. -NG
There will be more than 2 people fighting in the confines of the Trade Federation ship fight scene. -NG
There are so many memorable fights aside from the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel, but Nick likes the one he cannot reveal. -NG
"Kit Fisto goes out like a #####." -NG
Kit Fisto's death is certainly less heroic than say, Mace, but Kit doesn't just fade away without any effort. I think Nick's comment was to tease the actor who played Kit Fisto. -PH
When asked if we will see any more beheadings like Jango in Ep2, Nick said "heads will roll in Ep3". -NG
Nick winked and gave a nod when asked if we would see double-bladed lightsabers in Ep3. -NG
We may see a naval battle (on water) in Ep3, but Pablo was noncommittal. -PH
The force powers seen in Ep3 are among those we have seen before. -PH
Acronym Key:
GL = George Lucas (Director)
OS = Official Site (starwars.com)
RM = Rick McCallum (Producer)
NP = Natalie Portman (Actor)
HC = Hayden Christensen
RB = Roger Barton (Film Editor)
IM = Ian McDiarmid
C2 = Celebration II
BB = Ben Burtt (Sound Editor)
JEJ = James Earl Jones (Voice Actor)
JK = John Knoll (Visual Effects/ILM)
PE = Paul Ens (Official Site)
GB = Gavin Bocquet (Production Designer)
JE = Joel Edgerton (Actor)
PM = Peter Mayhew (Actor)
RC = Rob Coleman (Visual Effects/ILM Supervisor)
BS = Bruce Spence (Actor)
AD = Anthony Daniels (Actor)
TB = Trisha Biggar (Costume Designer)
SLJ = Samuel L. Jackson (Actor)
PH = Pablo Hidalgo (Official Site, Webcam)
RC = Ryan Church (Concept Artist)
DG = Dan Gregoire (Pre-Visualization Effects Supervisor)
DB = Don Bies (Droid Unit Supervisor)
NG = Nick Gillard (Stunt Coordinator/Swordmaster)
Source: theforce.net