Synopsis: Homicide detectives Sam and Twitch scour New York in search of serial killers and criminal scum, as the dark super hero from hell Spawn does his part in the fight against crime from the shadows.
Most of this information comes from the editorial colummn of the Spawn Comic book pulished in Mexico: After Spawn 1 Todd McFarlane was eager to make a darker, R rated version of the spawn, focused on Sam and Twitch and having the Spawn as a rather ominous backrgound. He even wanted The Spawn to be silent for the whole movie!. When he requested this, along with a bigger budget New line cinema said "of course not, we want a cheaper more commercial film" And McFarlane, just being who he is, wouldn't take no for an answer. So he let the licence run out for the film company and when it was his again he went to columbia pictures who seemed to agree with his demands. In the last couple of years, however, the remaining problem has been getting a script that could meet McFarlane's ambitions and a producer's need for a commercial film.
Most of this information comes from the editorial colummn of the Spawn Comic book pulished in Mexico: After Spawn 1 Todd McFarlane was eager to make a darker, R rated version of the spawn, focused on Sam and Twitch and having the Spawn as a rather ominous backrgound. He even wanted The Spawn to be silent for the whole movie!. When he requested this, along with a bigger budget New line cinema said "of course not, we want a cheaper more commercial film" And McFarlane, just being who he is, wouldn't take no for an answer. So he let the licence run out for the film company and when it was his again he went to columbia pictures who seemed to agree with his demands. In the last couple of years, however, the remaining problem has been getting a script that could meet McFarlane's ambitions and a producer's need for a commercial film.