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"The Boondocks" Headed To The Big Screen... and Video Game Consoles

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  • "The Boondocks" Headed To The Big Screen... and Video Game Consoles

    Word is Boondocks' creator Aaron McGruder is poised to spin his animated series off into a motion picture and video game properties.

    According to reports, McGruder revealed the plans last weekend at The New York Times' Fifth Annual Arts & Leisure Weekend.

    Since Boondocks' premiered on The Cartoon Network late last year, critics have bashed the series for its excessive use of 'The N Word." McGruder said he's heard way fouler language on black radio stations.

    This Sunday (January 15), in honor of Martin Luther King Day, the show will premiere an episode entitled "The Return of the King." The episode will feature Dr. King in post 9/11 America after coming out of a 32-year coma. The controversial series is also likely to generate attention with its Feb. 25 episode which will be themed around kidnapping plans on Oprah Winfrey. According to McGruder, Winfrey's visual likeness was edited because Sony Pictures, which distributes the series, wouldn't authorize its use.

    Source: sohh.com

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