Plot Summary From In X-Men: The Last Stand, the final chapter in the X-Men motion picture trilogy, a "cure" for mutancy threatens to alter the course of history. For the first time, mutants have a choice: retain their uniqueness, though it isolates and alienates them, or give up their powers and become human. The opposing viewpoints of mutant leaders Charles Xavier (Stewart), who preaches tolerance, and Magneto (McKellen), who believes in the survival of the fittest, are put to the ultimate test -- triggering the war to end all wars.
I really enjoyed the last 2 X-Men films. Part one was not great but good enough to do the comic book justice. The second film was so well put together that I was dying to see where they would take the third film. After finding out that Bryan Singer was not on board I was worried. And it seems that my paranoia was right. When comparing this movie to the other two, I like to use a quote from my good friend Mr. Ed, "No sir I didn't like it."
I'm not saying that "X-Men: The Last Stand" is a bad film. Its just no where near as good as the second. And what ticks me off is that its not even as good as "X-Men 1". First of all the dialogue in this movie is complete trash when compared to part 1 and 2. Bryan Singer made you care about each character before they even used their powers. The new director, Brett Ratner took a different approach that didn't work. He cared more about using special effects and showing off mutant powers without using it in a way that made you care about the character.
Yes I'm one of those comic book purists. Though I don't mind if characters are changed a bit to make the story better. What I can't stand is when a character is changed to the point where it makes them unbearable to watch. Juggernaut was a complete joke, and not in a good way. So they made him a mutant and ignored that he is Charles Xaviers' step brother, that I can deal with (In the Ultimate Marvel continuity he doesn't seem to be related to Xavier in any way and he is a mutant with super strength, with no mystical background to his powers). But last time I checked, Juggernaut is suppose to be close to the size of the Hulk. When I saw him in the movie, I was like, "Shit, I'm bigger than this guy!!" This mutant abortion had some of the worst lines in the movie.
I never really cared for Cyclops (Scott Summers) but he was an important piece to the X-Men movies. His verbal battles with Logan really added a lot to each character. Scott had one of the best lines in this film. In the scene where Logan actually feels sorry for him and tries to talk to him about Jean, Scott snaps and says, "Not everyone heals as fast as you do Logan." I wanted to see more spats between these two, but unfortunately that didn't come to pass.
If this truly is the last of the X-Men films I am disapointed. This franchise should of ended with a film better than "X2", and it failed...badly. "X-Men: The Last Stand" seemed rushed, and when a certain person dies (I'm not going to spoil it for you) it seemed like nobody cared, not even the director.
The movie had some cool parts. When I saw the Magneto bridge scene I was happy that the movie franchise finally showed how powerful he is. The Storm portrayal did the comic book character justice (something that "X-Men 1" and 2 failed short of doing). And The Last Stand is very dark and cold blooded, which I enjoyed. I guess I'm just sick and twisted like that.

So if you are looking for a film that has a lot of action but lacks substance then this one will be right up your alley. But if you are expecting a movie that is better than "X2: X-Men United", you might want to pass this up and just rent it instead. Just watch "X-Men 1" and 2 on dvd to hold you over.
