Plot Summary for
Spider-Man 3 (May 4th, 2007)
J. Jonah Jameson Jr. returns from a mission from space with a mysterious sample. This sample bonds itself to Peter Parker and gives him enhanced powers along with a new suit. Using his new found powers Peter must face the second Green Goblin, Harry Osborn. Eventually Harry seeks help from Sandman, a new villain who was transformed due to radiation from an atomic bomb being tested.
Plot Summary for
Spider-Man 3 (May 4th, 2007)
J. Jonah Jameson Jr. returns from a mission from space with a mysterious sample. This sample bonds itself to Peter Parker and gives him enhanced powers along with a new suit. Using his new found powers Peter must face the second Green Goblin, Harry Osborn. Eventually Harry seeks help from Sandman, a new villain who was transformed due to radiation from an atomic bomb being tested.