A group of protestors want answers after a couple had their baby taken away by social services at Summerlin Hospital. The decision was made by hospital staff regarding the care of the baby.
The couple says their baby was kept at the hospital against their will after a nurse contacted social services for what they describe as an "unjustified reason."
Lincoln and Cecilia Rogers say their dreams came true when baby Lilia was born healthy just a week ago. But they describe a nightmare in getting her home from Summerlin Hospital.
"They said, ‘Well, if you leave the hospital I'll have to arrest you and your husband.'"
Cecilia is referring to the police officer who was sent to her room just hours after giving birth, all because she and her husband told the nurse they didn't want to keep Lilia overnight in the NICU to be treated for jaundice.
"We just really wanted to take the natural approach if we could," Cecilia explains.
The couple says it got a second opinion and spoke with a pediatrician at Summerlin Hospital, who agreed that it would be okay if the couple took the baby home with minor jaundice as long as they signed a medical release form.
But the nurse they originally worked with called Child Protective Services to report these new parents for not agreeing with the recommended hospital care.
"And then Child Protective Services walked in and started interrogating my wife," Lincoln recalls. "Basically, they were going to take the baby and put her in that incubator no matter what. I thought we had no option."
That lack of option is what prompted a protest outside of Summerlin Hospital. Dozens of people stood up in support of the Rogers family, many of whom are new parents themselves.
"I feel that – especially new parents – we need to know what our rights are and when they're being overstepped," says Wyndee Forrest
And that's exactly what Lincoln and Cecilia say happened when their baby was required to stay at the hospital.
"It took one nurse to make one horrible decision and a domino effect to happen like that," says Lincoln. "It's just been so unfortunate."
Summerlin Hospital declined to comment on the specifics of this case but did release a statement that it disagrees with any claims that the hospital violated any patient rights.
Baby Lilia is reportedly healthy and at home with her parents.
Source: KTNV