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First Gay School Opens

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  • #61
    Re: First Gay School Opens

    Listen. Everyone shut the fuck up and let The Prince speak.
    First, there is was way too fuckin much going on in this, so chill the fuck out.
    Second, there is no reason for gays to have there own school. You are not born gay, it is learned. If you could be born loving or liking something you can be born hating or disliking something.

    Third. all of you have good points, but if you go about this like dumd asses, no one will ever be heard.

    Fouth. All of you should set back and really think about what is really going on. Do you really know what the problem is here? I lost it about page four.

    finally. try this again whaen all of you cool down.


    • #62
      Re: First Gay School Opens

      I see that, but let’s say I was born in a gay community. Then the traditions of that place would be what I grew up on and I would like men.

      Or let’s say that I was always burned by women, and then I got wind of a gay guy checking me. My attitude might be 'what the hell'

      Being gay is something that people started because they couldn't get it with the opposite sex. It's there way of sticking it to all the people who rejected them. You've here the saying there is someone for everyone, they just to it to the next level.
      Last edited by Genesis; 05-03-2004, 6:48 AM.


      • #63
        Re: First Gay School Opens

        Originally posted by Ryan McBain
        You have some good points but I disagree with this one. For instance, you like women right? Why? I'm assuming you were born liking women, and that nobody told you that you are suppost to like women. You were born liking women. Just like some men are born liking men. See my point?
        It's true you arent born gay this one dude had this pamphlet in my chemistry class and it said that nobody is born gay


        • #64
          Re: First Gay School Opens

          You can't be born with those types of feelings. Everyone has the desire to reproduce, that is an instinct, but to have that desire with a member of the same gender goes against the only thing that is inherent of the human genome. If I could be born gay, then in the same logic, I could be born a killer or rapist


          • #65
            Re: First Gay School Opens

            I think you can be born a killer or a rapist.. or gay... and they have actually found a gene or hormone, something, that is present in gay people but not in straight. It doesn't make sense as far as evolution is concerned.. but when it all comes down to it who the fuck cares? Let people do whatever the fuck they want, if you don't agree then don't partake.. simple as that....
            it's a shame to see that there use to be some intelligent people on this site but bible toting backward finatics scared them away.....

            take a lesson from a master......
            Darkness at the break of noon
            Shadows even the silver spoon
            The handmade blade, the child's balloon
            Eclipses both the sun and moon
            To understand you know too soon
            There is no sense in trying.

            Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
            Suicide remarks are torn
            From the fool's gold mouthpiece
            The hollow horn plays wasted words
            Proves to warn
            That he not busy being born
            Is busy dying.

            Temptation's page flies out the door
            You follow, find yourself at war
            Watch waterfalls of pity roar
            You feel to moan but unlike before
            You discover
            That you'd just be
            One more person crying.

            As some warn victory, some downfall
            Private reasons great or small
            Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
            To make all that should be killed to crawl
            While others say don't hate nothing at all
            Except hatred.

            Disillusioned words like bullets bark
            As human gods aim for their mark
            Made everything from toy guns that spark
            To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
            It's easy to see without looking too far
            That not much
            Is really sacred.

            While preachers preach of evil fates
            Teachers teach that knowledge waits
            Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
            Goodness hides behind its gates
            But even the president of the United States
            Sometimes must have
            To stand naked

            Advertising signs that con you
            Into thinking you're the one
            That can do what's never been done
            That can win what's never been won
            Meantime life outside goes on
            All around you.

            You lose yourself, you reappear
            You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
            Alone you stand with nobody near
            When a trembling distant voice, unclear
            Startles your sleeping ears to hear
            That somebody thinks
            They really found you.

            A question in your nerves is lit
            Yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy
            Ensure you not to quit
            To keep it in your mind and not forget
            That it is not he or she or them or it
            That you belong to.

            For them that must obey authority
            That they do not respect in any degree
            Who despise their jobs, their destinies
            Speak jealously of them that are free
            Do what they do just to be
            Nothing more than something
            They invest in.

            While some on principles baptized
            To strict party platform ties
            Social clubs in drag disguise
            Outsiders they can freely criticize
            Tell nothing except who to idolize
            And then say God bless him.

            While one who sings with his tongue on fire
            Gargles in the rat race choir
            Bent out of shape from society's pliers
            Cares not to come up any higher
            But rather get you down in the hole
            That he's in

            Old lady judges watch people in pairs
            Limited in sex, they dare
            To push fake morals, insult and stare
            While money doesn't talk, it swears
            Obscenity, who really cares
            Propaganda, all is phony.

            While them that defend what they cannot see
            With a killer's pride, security
            It blows the minds most bitterly
            For them that think death's honesty
            Won't fall upon them naturally
            Life sometimes
            Must get lonely.

            My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
            False gods, I scuff
            At pettiness which plays so rough
            Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
            Kick my legs to crash it off
            Say okay, I have had enough
            What else can you show me?

            And if my thought-dreams could be seen
            They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
            But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only.
            ~Bob Dylan


            • #66
              Re: First Gay School Opens

              Hey, I don't tote my bible, it's neatly tucked in my inside jacket pocket.
              You said that they're finding different gene hormones and such in that of homosexuals, but if that were the case, wouldn't the human race be de-evolving? Two fe/male cannot repoduce.At this rate some day the humans my stop exsisting all together if evolution keeps this up. seems like something to worry about.


              • #67
                Re: First Gay School Opens

                Originally posted by Genesis
                Hey, I don't tote my bible, it's neatly tucked in my inside jacket pocket.
                At this rate some day the humans my stop exsisting all together if evolution keeps this up.
                You really are a moron. Bible thumpers don't believe in Evolution since they're Creationists


                • #68
                  Re: First Gay School Opens

                  I definitely wasn't saying that you were the fanatic.... I thought it was apparant by reading the thread that the bible toter was pheonix... and aeronot or whatever the hell the name was had some good points.... And about "de-evolving" That is what I meant when I said that it doens't make sense as far as evolution is concerned because gay people obviously can't reproduce.....


                  • #69
                    Re: First Gay School Opens

                    you dumb son of a bitch(not you star) I was clearly fucking joking! I so tired of people on this site talking so much shit wit nothing to back it up with.


                    • #70
                      Re: First Gay School Opens

                      Originally posted by Genesis
                      you dumb son of a bitch(not you star) I was clearly fucking joking! I so tired of people on this site talking so much shit wit nothing to back it up with.
                      Who were you referring to? Referring means "to make mention or reference".


                      • #71

                        You people make me sick. First off im not gay. second off i dont opose homosexuality. Let these people be. If they arnt bothering you then dont bother them. This country was founded on the belief that all men are equal and that everyone has a freedom to do whatever they want as long as its legal. Is having sex with someone of the same sex illegal? I want to adress pheonix with this if he hasnt chickened out already. Be a "man" like you say you are and answer me. WHo are you to judge these people? and who is the church to judge these people when their priest have had homosexual relation with the alterboys? Tell me this Pheonix. God Bless.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Serge1589
                          This country was founded on the belief that all men are equal and that everyone has a freedom to do whatever they want as long as its legal.
                          Umm, no. All "men" were considered educated land-owning white men back in the late 18th century when Madison and his boys were drafting the Constitution.

                          Originally posted by Serge1589
                          Is having sex with someone of the same sex illegal?
                          In some states, yes.

                          Originally posted by Serge1589
                          who is the church to judge these people when their priest have had homosexual relation with the alterboys?

                          Considering it's a sin in the Bible to take it in the dumper - it's no wonder. I realize they're cherry picking their morals seeing as the Bible also condones slavery and makes it a sin to collect interest on debts - but that's their "logical" reasoning.


                          • #73
                            Im still waiting for Pheonix. You are a terrible human being. Answer me. And what r ur views on this irish guy?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Serge1589
                              Im still waiting for Pheonix. You are a terrible human being. Answer me. And what r ur views on this irish guy?
                              See #73.


                              • #75
                                What the hell is all this prophecy crap coming from Phoenix? Are you one of those guys strolling down main street with a sign that reads, "The world is coming to an end?" If anything, the bible teaches tolerance to all people, despite differences in culture, religion, race, gender, and in this case homosexuality. However, I don't think it's right for gays to isolate themselves from the rest of society and only attend this one school. Can you imagine the fiasco in the locker room (joking). I just think if they want to do it, what's the big deal? Let people do as they may, this country was born on the ideology of freedom and the pursuit of happiness. If you insist on imposing you belief on others, get the fuck out of America and go move to some country where people are forced to live how the dominated class feels fit. And another thing, don't forget that the Bible has been used to wage wars, kill innocent people, commit genocide of a people, and also to justify many injustices of the past.


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