First off... hello from Croatia, lol, these people are soft here. There is like 0 violent crimes, and everybody looks at me crazy cause i wear baseball hats with flat bills... I'm here until Feb. 1st and it looks like theres hardly any hip hop, but some... I talked to some girls that were telling me of a club that plays a lot of hip hop, and that it wasn't known yet but is coming up. All the entertainment music wise is all american, and my first night here I went back with a bartender to their friends for a few hash joints mixed with some silver haze from amsterdam
I don't know how I feel for the neighborhood, there's a few people who speak english, but it seems pretty uppity high class. I'm not payin for it so i guess it's all good. I'm stayin on top the city of Zagreb.... it's the capital of Croatia... literally on top, well almost, i can walk out the front door and go about 50 steps to overlook the entire city... but there is still a couple blocks behind me until the city buildings stop and some residential/embassies start popping up... and some park that's huge with a castle back in there somewhere.
On a good note, there are a lot of hot ass women in this city and being american gives you an unbelieveable advantage over all competition.... and they know american lifestyles and what a guy expects, so shits cool.
I haven't been able to find an american speaking person to register with the local police in town, so as of yet, i'm illegal, but i did register with the US embassy... the bus pass costs like 270kn that's about 45-50 bucks a month... *kiss my ass* I'll just hop on trams and hop off when I like, when they ask me for my pass I know where the button for the door is and i've used it already once, key is to have your hood up everytime you get on... no face to remember.... anyways, so far it's been fun but I need to either learn more of the language or else find some damn american speakin bastards to hang out with, cause it SUCKS when you got these sexy chicks yellin stuff at you wherever you go and you have no clue what they're saying. ... anyways, i'll keep ya peeps informed as to if anything crazy pops off. Peace.
... Oh and btw.. european women DO shave, maybe not all, but the ones I've seen have been +shavin+ so fuck you Harmon, i know your sick thoughts and carpet licking habits.

On a good note, there are a lot of hot ass women in this city and being american gives you an unbelieveable advantage over all competition.... and they know american lifestyles and what a guy expects, so shits cool.

I haven't been able to find an american speaking person to register with the local police in town, so as of yet, i'm illegal, but i did register with the US embassy... the bus pass costs like 270kn that's about 45-50 bucks a month... *kiss my ass* I'll just hop on trams and hop off when I like, when they ask me for my pass I know where the button for the door is and i've used it already once, key is to have your hood up everytime you get on... no face to remember.... anyways, so far it's been fun but I need to either learn more of the language or else find some damn american speakin bastards to hang out with, cause it SUCKS when you got these sexy chicks yellin stuff at you wherever you go and you have no clue what they're saying. ... anyways, i'll keep ya peeps informed as to if anything crazy pops off. Peace.
... Oh and btw.. european women DO shave, maybe not all, but the ones I've seen have been +shavin+ so fuck you Harmon, i know your sick thoughts and carpet licking habits.