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Bush Backs English as National, Unifying Language

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  • Bush Backs English as National, Unifying Language

    English: One provision in the Senate bill makes English the "national language," and another makes it the nation's "common and unifying language."

    The White House took both sides in a dispute over English being the national language Friday as a broad immigration bill moved toward a final Senate vote next week with one conservative predicting it will never become law.

    Bush's support for the dueling sides doesn't stray from his long-held view on learning English, said White House press secretary Tony Snow.

    "What the president has said all along is that he wants to make sure that people who become American citizens have a command of the English language," Snow said. "It's as simple as that."

    The Senate on Thursday approved an amendment sponsored by Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., that would declare English the national language. But it also approved an alternative proposal sponsored by Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., designating English the nation's "common and unifying language." Before the vote on the alternative, Inhofe warned his colleagues, "You can't have it both ways."

    The White House seemed to. "We have supported both of these," Snow said of the two amendments.

    Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, speaking Friday in Houston, added to the confusion.

    "The president has never supported making English the national language," Gonzales said, adding, "I don't see the need to have legislation or a law that says English is going to be the national language."

    As governor of Texas and a presidential candidate in 2000, Bush supported bilingual education programs. He sprinkles Spanish into his presidential speeches and has released political commercials in Spanish. But he also has said the national anthem should be sung in English.

    The president plans to address immigration reform in his weekly radio address Saturday. He has generally favored a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and a guest worker program that would bring more foreigners to the U.S. to fill jobs. Both are central elements of the bill before the Senate.

    Illegals: Those here five years or more could earn citizenship. Those here two to five years would go to a center and apply to enter. Others would have to go.

    Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., an ardent opponent of the bill conceded Friday it is likely to pass next week. "The Senate should be ashamed of itself," he said. But he also predicted to reporters that it won't become law unless House and Senate negotiators rewrite it.

    The adoption of Inhofe's amendment drew a heated protest Friday from Latinos.

    John Trasvina, president and general counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said the amendment could be misinterpreted and lead to a cutback in services for those not proficient in English.

    "Latinos don't need a law passed to say we ought to learn English. There are long waiting lists for adult English classes," Trasvina said. "It's false patriotism to pass an amendment to say you ought to learn English and not fulfill your responsibility of providing the opportunities."

    New Mexico Sen. Pete Domenici, the only Republican to reject the Inhofe proposal, said the country should "move beyond the notion that English, and English only, will ensure the future of the United States."

    Convicted Illegals: Those convicted of a felony or three misdemeanors would be deported no matter how long they have been in the country.

    Both provisions will be included in an immigration bill the Senate is expected to pass and send to conference with the House, where differences will be resolved.

    Bush, who often peppers his speeches with Spanish words and phrases, had little to say about the Senate votes while visiting the Arizona-Mexico border. "The Senate needs to get the bill out," the president said.

    Bush toured an unfortified section of the border in the Arizona desert Thursday, where he endorsed using fences and other barriers to cut down on illegal crossings. The Senate on Wednesday voted to put 370 miles of fences on the border.

    Guest Workers: 1.5 million farm workers would be eligible to remain and earn legal status; 200,000 temporary guest worker visas would be issued annually.

    Bush's border visit was part of his efforts to win over conservatives balking at his support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and a new guest worker program.

    Bush asked Congress for $1.9 billion Thursday to pay for 1,000 Border Patrol agents and the temporary deployment of up to 6,000 National Guard troops to states along the Mexican border.

    Source: AP

  • #2
    You can not legislate language

    Any linguist or sociolinguist will tell you that no amount of linguistic legislation is going to have any real consequence in the long run. Look at the situation in Spain, for example. During the years of the Franco dictatorship the central government tried to force folks not to use their regional languages, such as Catalan or Valenciano. Everyone was forced to learn in Castellano, the language of those in political power. These languages, nevertheless, thrived, maintained themselves, and probably grew even stronger in the hearts and minds of the speakers of them. As soon as Franco died in 1975, a new constitution written in about 1978--or later, other languages were recognized and written into the LINGUISTIC RIGHTS of the citizens of Spain.

    Look at the case of Latin. No amount of ranting of teeth or bashing of heads by the leadership in Rome prevented languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and so on, from emerging and flourishing. More importantly, Latin ceased to exist in its present form, that is the Latin spoken during the end of the Roman Empire in Rome. Languages evolve just like civilizations evolve, they arise, they peak, and they wane. Read your world history.

    The French are trying to legislate language maintenance (l´Acadamie Francaise) there but in the everyday life of French people one can hear, for example, many anglicisms. Listen to the people of Mexico and how English has influenced the present day argot of most. The language is evolving in particular ways, and so is the English of the United States. (Witness the overuse of the word ´like´ by many of the younger generations..."She was like, and I was like DUH, and so they were like..." In my generation it was "She said, and so I said...") In areas of the US where there is more and more contact with, say, Spanish, Spanslish is evolving. (The phenomenon of languages in contact is simply a fact of linguistic life and NOBODY can change it. It´s like trying to stop a hurricane with "seeding the skies.") Witness the case of Spanish spoken in Miami, as another example. No amount of ranting and raving, telling kids in school not to speak that "crap" is going to have any effect in the long run. I simply sit back and laugh and people´s bravado as it relates to English.

    Forcing people to speak a particular language is simply a waste of time and effort. In the long run, languages will evolve, they will change, and some become extinct. Do we speak the English of Shakespeare? No. The Lord´s Prayer, in its original form, is totally not understandable by today´s sayers of it. It has evolved.

    Legislate all you want about English in the United States. It is like a male gorilla pounding on its chest as a way to threaten others. It is only going to be fruitless, and in the long run, people will simply become resentful and will revolt. One only has to look at linguistic and social history and at the present moment in places like the Ivory Coast and other nations in West Africa in terms of their linguistic situation.


    People speak English, Spanish and French...major languages spoken in America. Monolinguals are those most threatened.

    History is repeating itself, and I guess we can do nothing about it, because we certainly haven´t learned much from it. Ignorance is what scares me more than anything else.


    • #3
      Learn English or Leave!!!!

      It's about time people coming here understand that our language is English, not spanish. I say spanish because this group of immigrants come here with the attitude that American citizens need to speak spanish. The government needs to let the city of Miami know that the language is English. It's unbelievable that people have been fired in our government offices in Miami because they are not bi-lingual. This has been going on too long and it's about time the government speaks up. If people want to come here, they need to assimulate and be a part of this country including our language-English or go back to their own country.

      America needs people here who want to be Americans first. People can maintain their culture and language but don't expect your host or adoptive country to accommadate your language. You know it's going too far when you buy a product with instructions in 6 different languages . Another reason why we need more products made in America for Americans. What did we do before Nafta and Cafta? We had clear lines of competition and we had more unity in this country. We do not need a one world order. We need to keep America separate. One language does unify us all and that's what we must enforce to remain a great nation.


      • #4

        In 2016 Spanish speaking people will be majority and will want Spanish to be the Country's language. I love to see how fast you all can learn Spanish!!! LOL


        • #5
          We all have the right to free speech in this country no matter what language you chose to speak ......it does not state in the constitution freedom of speech in English !!!!!!!!

          No immigrant coming to the usa between 1850-1920 from Italy,Germany and all the many eastern european countries spoke English

          These people all worked to help America become the great nation we are today and they did not pay income tax during this time !!!


          • #6
            Since there is so much fuss over English vs. Spanish, why not teach the language(s) of the native Americans. Almost all other the other nations speak their native language why can't America (native America). The pilgrims came to this nation for refuge, why should we speak their (pilgrims) language. Americans should learn the native language of this nation.

            Wait a minute, I sound like an American complaining about learning spanish.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kellie-Girl
              In 2016 Spanish speaking people will be majority and will want Spanish to be the Country's language. I love to see how fast you all can learn Spanish!!! LOL
              Considering all the street signs, major media, and books in schools are in English - those spics should learn the fucking language. They don't want to assimilate. When the Irish, Italians, and Germans came to this country en masse during the 19th century they weren't accepted as Americans until they learned the language and blended into the American culture.

              Assimilate: To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Flying High
                We all have the right to free speech in this country no matter what language you chose to speak ......it does not state in the constitution freedom of speech in English !!!!!!!!

                No immigrant coming to the usa between 1850-1920 from Italy,Germany and all the many eastern european countries spoke English

                These people all worked to help America become the great nation we are today and they did not pay income tax during this time !!!
                Typical uneducated kid...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Short Irish Guy
                  Considering all the street signs, major media, and books in schools are in English - those spics should learn the fucking language. They don't want to assimilate. When the Irish, Italians, and Germans came to this country en masse during the 19th century they weren't accepted as Americans until they learned the language and blended into the American culture.

                  Assimilate: To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.
                  Spics? Shut the hell up you Nazi!

                  Those were different times back then. Back when Irish, Italians, and Germans came to the this country, racism was still blatantly obvious. So should we let racism go on too? Of course not. How can English be the national language when soon it will not even be the most common language spoken?

                  You are an idiot. Please cut off your penis.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pyro
                    Spics? Shut the hell up you Nazi!

                    Those were different times back then. Back when Irish, Italians, and Germans came to the this country, racism was still blatantly obvious. So should we let racism go on too? Of course not. How can English be the national language when soon it will not even be the most common language spoken?

                    You are an idiot. Please cut off your penis.
                    Child, English is the language of business and culture in this country. That is why. Now, run along and get home before the street lights come on...


                    • #11
                      If these bitches wanna live the "American Dream" the very least they can do is learn how to speak English!!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dead AIM
                        If these bitches wanna live the "American Dream" the very least they can do is learn how to speak English!!!!!
                        ...but...but...that makes sense!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Short Irish Guy
                          ...but...but...that makes sense!
                          Only to a moron like yourself. There is no point to making English a national language because one day Spanish will be more common.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Pyro
                            Only to a moron like yourself. There is no point to making English a national language because one day Spanish will be more common.
                            Silly children...


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